Medusa and a fire

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Georgia pov

Some people say that it's fate that brings us together, makes us feel things we never thought possible. The will of God can bind two souls into one. That's what my grandmother always used to say. She'd tell me that one day, I'd meet a man who could make me smile just with his presence. Someone who could fill me with warmth and comfort simply by being himself.

And for such a long time, i believed her. Seeing my mother and father, two people fit so perfectly together, it made me believe that fate was real and that my destiny was written in the stars. But I was wrong; listening to my fathers yells and my mother cries, I realised id been fooled my entire life. No two people are perfect for one another. If that were so, then we would never feel sadness because of them, never feel pity or envy. Our lives would be joyous and full of triumphant grins.

I suppose over time, people change. They grow tired of one another, bored of waking up to the same face everyday. And it's because of this, because of the woeful feel that ran through the walls, I left. I grabbed my coat and shoes and I walked out of the house without uttering a word to my mother or father. The last thing I saw was my mother with her head in her hands sitting at the kitchen table, shaking as my father yelled to the gods. I had not the time nor the desire to hear what he was saying and so I ran.

I ran all the way to the garrison, knocking people over in the process, my hat almost flying from my head as I tried my hardest to wipe the tears that had fallen from my eyes. My parents had argued before, but never like this. Never to the point when my mother would cry without my fathers consolation. It pained me to know they were too saddened by whatever had happened that they didn't feel the need to comfort and love one another

I got to a stand still when I reached the doors of the garrison. Wiped my eyes with the back of my glove and looked at my reflection in the glass, smiling and checking that the ghosts of my tears were no longer there. Once I looked somewhat happy, I entered the pub and walked straight round the to back where I knew the shelbys would be. Low and behold, sat there was Arthur, rose and Michael

"Good morning" I greeted as they did so back to me

"Are you ready to go?" Rose asked me as she stood up and grabbed her hat

"Where you two off to?" Michael asked

"The library" I replied

"Ooo. Sounds exciting. Don't have too much fun. You'll make me jealous" Arthur teased as rose clipped him round the back of the ear

"If you must know, we're going there to draw. The librarian said we can use some of the books as inspiration and we figured we might as well spend the day there. Its quiet, warm and we're away from the boystrous disasters that occur when we're around you lot" I said sticking my tongue out as Arthur did the same. Rose linked our arms and we left the garrison before making our way to the library

When we entered, we immediately felt sheltered from the cold and cruel world outside. The shelves full of books; a different tale in every single one. It was truly a sight to behold and the fireplace only made it feel more cozy. Me and Rose knew exactly what we were looking for so we went up to the front desk

"Hell madam" I said

"Hello dears. How can I help?" The lady asked

"We were wondering if you have any books on Greek mythology. Particularly anything evolving around medusa" I said trying my hardest to be confident. Although the silence in the room made it hard, knowing that everyone could hear any words that I spat from my mouth

Hours later, me and Rose were sat in a corner on a sofa, drawing with books laid out infront of us, her story echoing on the pages like words in a cave, banging to escape

"What's the matter? You don't seem yourself today" rose asked as she reached out to my hand tucked a stray hair behind my ear

"My parents have started arguing. I know many families argue and I'm just being dramatic, I'm just so unused to seeing them hate on one another. I don't even know what it was about. But my mother looked terrified and my father looked uncertain. I could tell by his eyes, he wasn't sure if he should help her or continue his yelling. I left before he made his choice" I whispered not wanting the rest of the library knowing my business

"Oh gia. Why didn't you say sooner? You're not dramatic. I understand that it hurts but things will get better. I see your parents and it's so clear they're made for one another" rose comforted

"That's the thing, I used to believe in fate and soul mates, but how can we have soul mates if they hurt us? My mother and father can't be made for eachother, otherwise they wouldn't argue, not ever" I said

"That's not true. It's because they love eachother that they yell. Tommy yells at me when he's scared for me. He wouldn't so that to any child that he saw on the street. Only me and you because he loves us. Well your parents yell because they are worried for one another. That's all it is. Everything will be fine my love, I'm sure of it" she kissed my hand before I realised the time

"Shit. Its 10 o'clock. We were supposed to be back hours ago" I yelled as we both jumped up and backed our bags of penils and paper. After paying for the books, we ran from the library and went home. We went to my house first since I was the one who had a curfew. Since I went to London without mums permission, she's been very angry with me and very strict.

We got to my house and I stopped in my tracks at the sight. Police cars were outside, some officers stood holding the car open. Our front door had been knocked off its hinges and a window was smashed to pieces. My father was dragged from the house kicking and screaming, police officers having to throw him in the car as mother cried for him

"Why are you doing this? He's innocent. He's innocent" she yelled as they drove off. It was dark in the night, the only light being from the small fire that had started from a lamp being knocked over. I hardly noticed the tears falling down my face until I was snapped from my trance. Polly was holding my mother in her arms as they knelt on the ground, the pain in her heart paralysing her legs from holding her weight. I caught sight of Arthur who was watching me sadly. Immediately, I ran to him for comfort, his arms wrapping around me as I wept. I'm not sure what he was saying, it was all just a blur. The only thing that was clear to me was my mother's screams and the flame that danced around the house, slowly burning my entire world to the ground

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