It all goes wrong

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Rose pov

Since Sunday, everything seems to have gone wrong. Gia and her mother moved in with polly and me since they couldn't cope alone. Mrs Banks was a wreck, crying constantly, worried for what may become of her husband. Who can blame her? Me and Gia havnt been told a thing, but doesn't mean we havnt eaves dropped on their conversation. By the sounds of it, Mr Banks was arrested for hiding information from the police. Apparently he was well aware that his brother was a homosexual and broke the law by not telling anyone

Of course, that only made me and gia worry more. For we realised just how dangerous this all was. The way the coppers brutaly arrested Mr banks, well that's exactly what shall happen to finn and Mr Clarkson should anyone find out. And that fear shall never go away, not as long as the law is as small minded as its government

Tuesday was the worst day. Mrs Banks had spent Monday in tears, hardly moving nor speaking. And when she woke up on Tuesday morning, she simply sat by the window, not wanting to move. We took food up to her however she didn't eat a single bite of it. It was only when gia entered that she became conscious of her surroundings

I knew Mrs Banks was trying her best, despite all the tears and woes, she truly did attempt to calm gias nerves. She even sang a sweet lullaby as gia cried, rocking her back and forth. But that night, things took a turn for the worst. The police knocked on the door with a warrant for the arrest of Mrs Banks. Gia begged her mother to run, we said we'd hide her, give her money to start a new life. But with her head held high, Mrs Banks waltz down the stairs, her shaky hands hid behind her back and she greeted the officers like a true lady

They arrested her, handcuffs weren't even necessary as Mrs Banks went willingly and bravely. Me and gia chased after the car, as far as we could before we just couldn't go any further. Our legs physically unable to move. When we got back to the house, polly told gia she would look after her, protect her until her parents were released

And today, despite being down, I could tell that Mrs Banks courage had been passed down to gia. The way she didn't make a scene when being arrested had clearly made gias worries lessen over night. But to keep her occupied, we sat on my bed and drew all day

"What do you think will happen? With my parents?" Gia asked out of the blue

"I wish I could tell you that they'll be released soon and this will all blow over. But in reality, I truly don't know. I'm sorry g. I know that's not the answer you were looking for but-"

"No. No I'm grateful. You and your family have done so much for me. And I love you for your kind heart and your strong will" she said. I smiled at her and kissed her lips softly

"I'm aware my parents could very well be leaving the prison in body bags. Im not naive enough to believe that mummy and daddy will turn up one day and surprise me with their release. I'm just glad you're here with me through it all. It makes losing them easier knowing I'm not alone" gia said as our heads rested on one another. My hand grazed her face elegantly

"You are the bravest woman I have ever met Gia Banks. But let's not speak like that. You havnt lost your parents, not really. We know where they are, we know they are alive. And for now, we will have to make do with just that" I said holding onto her soft hand

"I just wish there was something more we could do for them ya know" she choked back on tears

"I know my love. But you saw your mother. She wasn't scared and that's because she knows you are safe. That's all she's ever wanted. For you to be safe and happy." I kissed her hand and then her cheek and slowly, I pressed my lips to hers, our tongues meeting in the middle. This was my happy place

The Frost on the window stood out from the sun beams that shone through, patterns created from the shadows that dance. Gia in my hold made me feel complete, like everything I've ever wanted, longed for, it was finally mine to cherish and love

"Polly wants to know-" we jumped apart but it was too late. A gobsmacked Arthur stood in the doorway, not saying a word as he looked at us in disgust

"Arthur I-" but he gave me no time to explain before he slammed the door and ran down the stairs. We ran after him but we were not fast enough for by the time we had reached him, he was stood infront of all my family as he paced around frantically

"Arthur, please let me explain" I begged but he shut me up by throwing a glass at the wall making me shreik with fear. Never, in all my 16 years did I ever think Arthur could frighten me. Sure I had been scared to tell him if I got in trouble, but for the first time, I was truly terrified of what he may do to me

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