The Noose

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Georgia pov

I felt ready for death and yet so unprepared. Some people, they have time to write a will, say goodbye to their loved ones and make sure that their family is safe before they pass. Not that it makes it any less devastating. For anyone to die is God's way of saying he's ready for them. But for a mother about to lose her child, I can only imagine she feels God is out to get her. The unbearable pain the parents must face. And yet here I am. About to put my poor mother in the very position in which I speak of. Pollys words keep ringing in my head. She'd said them after I cried to her over Mr clarksons death. It was just me and her together, as she held me close. And these words I shall never forget

"God takes all the good ones first" and she's right. Yet somehow, I don't feel like God is taking me. I'm bringing myself to him voluntarily. As I sit in the cold damp cell, I have so much time to doubt myself. I believe I over estimated my courage for this is all too much. More than anything, I want to be free. And as I can't have that, then I hope that I can walk with my head held high, a smile on my face and a spring in my step as the hang man's noose looms closer. In reality, I highly doubt I will have the bravery to do such a thing

As humans, we are programmed to fear the unknown. Well isn't death the most bewildering experience we as people can face? We all know its coming one way or another. Whether it be just round the corner or far far away, death is waiting for us. And yet, no one can ever know what death is like until its too late. I have so many questions, so many theories. Some worry me more than others

I'd like for it to be a quick and painless event, with a light shining at the other end of the tunnel. Those of my family who I've lost, rose by my side as we walk to God, signing up to be one of his angels. Looking over the people we love, caring and nurturing them. All the pain and suffering gone, a place we can love one another freely in the eyes of God

But I worry it shall be slow, painful. If my neck doesn't break, then I shall just choke in agony, my own breath killing me. Only for it to be dark, like a nightmare you have no way of escaping. Just....nothing. No thoughts! No movement! No emotions! Gone from this world, never to see rose again, unable to check on my family and friends. Just helpless and alone, left to fend my myself

I hear the jangling of keys yet I don't have the heart to look. Despite my curiosity, I know exactly what this is. And I can only pray that there's a better world at the other end for me. The guards gruff voice echoes throughout the cramped cell

"Come on. Its time" the woman is stocky with a scouse accent. Small in height but built of muscle. Her face shows her to be about 50 but her body tells me she's alot younger. I look up at her and smile

"Better not leave them waiting" I say with a small laugh in my tone. Her eyebrows scrunch in confusion and annoyance. I know she wants to see me suffer. She wants me to go out with tears and tantrums but I won't let her get the better of me. Death is coming for me! It doesn't matter if its today. Or tomorrow. Or some time in the next 70 years. I will die! And I'd rather die fighting for someone I love than in my bed at home

Rose pov

The guard who came to collect me spun me around and went to put cuffs on me. But had to back down when I said

"Ooo careful. I'm into that" but soon enough, I was handcuffed as she shoved me along the corridor, through multiple halls before reaching one long corridor that lead to an iron door. This was it. But.....Where's gia?

"Rose!" I turn around and see her there infront of me. A smile on her face. I want nothing more than to go and run up to her yet with my clumsiness and these cuffs, I'm bound to trip. We both smile as the female guards exchange a few words. Clearly boggled by our expressions. Smiling freaks them out. We can go our crying and screaming. But why give them the satisfaction?

They get some keys and unlock the door. It was then that reality hit me. This wasn't just some game. We were going to die. I knew the moment I say the noose, hanging from the ceiling, just waiting for me. Their are grids beneath us that will drop, leaving us hanging there like chopped liver. I realise what I've done. I've sentenced gia to this! It was my fault! I gave her the idea that we admit to it all! And now she will die because of my actions. Well not if I can help it

"I have one last confession" I yell as they put the noose around my neck

"The priest has already left" they grumble

"You don't understand. I'm a lesbian. But gia isn't. OK. I forced her into this. I'm only telling you now because I suddenly realise the consequences of my actions. And how God will forgive me if I say now" I cry as they're about to leave us

"Don't listen to her. We're in love. She loves me and I love her. It's ok my love. I'm ok" I look over at a tear striken gia but a small smile is still on her face. But this one isn't for the guards. This is for me. To convince me that she's not scared. I don't believe her of course. But I decide it best to let this happen. Atleast we be together soon

"I love you so much. Our relationship may have ended with us getting the death penalty, but I wouldn't change a thing" I admit to her sobbing, not having the mental stability to hold it any longer

"I love you too. Everything good I've done is because of you. I don't know where I'd be without you" she says to me

"Probably not with a noose around your neck" I let out a small laugh

"I wouldn't be so sure. You're my only reason for living. Only difference is. If I never met you, I'd be the one to out the noose around my neck" we closed our eyes and took some deep breaths, finally ready for what was about to come

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