Family choice

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Rose pov

I stood in silence hand in hand with gia. The pair of us shaking at my brothers actions and yet we were the ones to blame. If I had just been more careful, more loving to my surroundings, none of this would've happened

"What the fuck is going on?" Polly yelled after Arthur had broke her glass. She looked at us angry, probably expecting us to say we pulled a joke on Arthur that he didn't find funny. Or that we got suspended. But I know for a fact that my aunt pol was not expecting what was about to come

"Do you want to tell them or shall I?" Arthur asked through gritted teeth. Me and gia remained silent, too scared to say another word. Hoping the situation would all go away if I just prayed on it. But who I am I to kid? This was real, and the only way to get out of it would be to grab that knife and slit my throat. Not having the guts to do that, I awaited the slow death which was to come

"I saw them together. Kissing they were. Fucking kissing" he yelled slamming his fist on the table

"You pair been out kissing boys? You know the fucking rules" John said

"Oh not boys! Eachother. They've been kissing eachother. Like a pair of fucking fags!" A tear poured from my face as Tommy shot up and tore our hands apart. Roughly, he grabbed my shoulders and sat me down whilst John held gias wrist

"Don't touch her" I screamed as gia flinched

"You are no longer apart of this family. And if I ever see your face again, I'll fucking cut ya" John yelled as he pulled her through the house and threw her out

"No please" I cried but Tommy held me back

"John she's just a kid!" Finn shouted as John was too rough with gia

"Get off me" I screamed, punching and kicking Tommy but it was no use. He grabbed hold of my hands and dragged me to the sofa where he sat me down. Polly was trying to calm down my brothers whilst ada rubbed my back and held me as I cried

"Do you have any idea how stupid this is?" Arthur yelled

"You realise you could be hung for this. Get what you fucking deserve" Michael shouted

"Michael!" Ada exclaimed, shocked our own cousin could say such awful and nasty things straight to my face

"I didn't mean for you to find out" I cried

"Rose! It doesn't matter if we found out or not! You are a girl. And to be with another woman is fucking grim not to mention illegal!" Tommy yelled at me, his face inches away from mine

"Well you're one to talk. You make a bloody living illegally! And you spend all your money on whores which quite frankly, I think is absolutely vile" ada said to our brother as she stroked my hair down and kissed my head

"This has nothing to do with you ada!" John yelled

"You're right. It has nothing to do with me. But it also has nothing to do with you. I know its dangerous, and it's scary, but unlike your gang life, it's not something Rose chose" ada answered back. Just then the door opened and in walked esme

"Oh luv, what's happened?" She asked seeing my tears as she took her coat off. Esme tried to walk over to comfort me but John pulled her back

"I wouldn't. She's been going round like a whore kissing gia" he muttered

"So? What's your point?" Esme asked as she went over and sat the other side of me, giving me a hug

"Come on esme, it's disgusting" John tried to convince her

"Look, it's not something I'm used to hearing. And although i don't understand it, I trust the poor girl enough to let her make her own decisions. Now you can either be there for your sister or you can tell the police. But choose wisely. Because one choice will allow you to keep your family. The latter will mean you give up both your sisters, your aunt, me and your children. I won't stand in your way" esme said before standing up and going into the kitchen to make some tea

"Obviously we won't tell the police" Arthur said

"Rose. No one outside of this room will find out. Because if they did, you wouldnt be hung. Because the neighbours would murder you before the coppers had a chance. Do you understand?" Tommy asks me

"Yes Tommy. I understand that no one else can find out Because me loving someone apparently affects everyone in the street so much that they would need to get rid of me" i muttered back

"Don't give me cheek. You should be grateful that we aren't telling the coppers" he snapped

"Grateful? Tommy, you're my fucking brother. Are you ever grateful when I don't got tell the coppers everytime you come home with blood on your blade and screams in the distance? No. Because you don't care about anyone but yourself. You just do it over and over again, killing innocent and guilty people just to send em straight to fucking hell. Well you know what Tommy, I'm not grateful. If anything I have never hated you more than right now. Because you had to think if you were going to tell the coppers. For me, I don't even have to think before I decide not to say a word to any police officer. Because I love you and want you in my life. But you still havnt fully made up your mind if you are going to let me live. I can see the indecisiveness in your eyes. Don't lie to me Tommy. Quite frankly, I couldn't care what you do from here on in" I said leaning forward to look him dead in the eyes

"You will be grounded until further notice. No more seeing gia either. As far as this family is concerned, she never existed" Tommy said

"That's not fair! Shes the last drop of sunlight I have left and I won't lose her. I love her Tommy" I cry to him as he gets ready to leave

"You don't know what love is Rose" he mutters

"I know what love is better than you. That's why my love is still breathing and yours is 6 foot deep after taking a bullet that was made for you" I snap at him. He freezes in his spot, his back towards me and I immediately realise I went too far. Without a word, he leaves the house. John, Arthur and Michael follow after him, most likely to drown their sorrows at the pub whilst I collapse in a chair, the words echoing in my head

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