Art and Alfie

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Rose pov

We are awoken by Tommy slamming the door shut making me jump off my seat onto the floor of the car with a tired groan

"Rise and shine. We're here" he declares as mine and gias eyes light up. We both jump from the car and stand staring at the London street before us. Not what I expected. Everythings Birmingham only bigger and smelly

"Erm Tommy.....are you sure this is London?" Gia asked as we grimaced at the grime of the streets. Don't get me wrong, we aren't snobs, coming from one of the dirtiest and poorest places in England. But we just expected London to be full of white houses, flowers everywhere, golden arches. You know, fit for a king since this is his home after all. But so far, I can't see a Palace

"Not what you expected huh?" Tommy asked as he began to lead us somewhere

"I cant imagine a king living here. Not willingly anyway" I muttered

"There's something important you should know about the monarchy. Everything they do, is for themselves. They create wars which they don't fight in, killing thousands of their own people for a piece of land. They take money from their subjects for the country, but don't use it to make our streets nicer, only for their own pleasure"

"Then why did you fight for the king Tommy? Why didn't you just run from his ways?" I asked

"Because despite all that, he's still my king. I fight for him meaning I fight for my country, protecting its civilians and not allowing other corrupt Kings get ahold of our women" he explains to us

"We're here" he says leading us into a bakery. Definitely last place i expected a gang meeting to be held but turns out I've been wrong about alot of things. Gia scrunches her eyebrows I confusion as we both look at one another trying not to laugh. We are lead into the bakery and round the back. And finally into an office where a man sits, glasses on as he mumbles to himself about some numbers. Me and gia link arms with Tommy from fear, I won't lie. He seemed intimidating, not someone I'd like to cross

"Alfie" Tommy says

"Oh ello Tommy. I don't mean to scare you, but are you aware there are two youngest ladies on your arms?" Alfie asked my brother

"Alfie, I'd like you to meet rose shelby and gia banks. My sister and the stranger who eats all our food" he introduces us making me and gia chuckle

"Pleasure to meet you ladies. I don't mean to be rude, but is it the smartest idea for two young beauties like yourselves to sit in on a meeting between two gangsters?" Alfie asks

"We honestly couldn't care less about your line of work. No offence. We're here because Tommy is taking us to an art gallery after this. So if you could hurry up, that would be appreciated" gia smiles at the man kindly as Tommy rolls his eyes

"An art gallery. Didn't think that was your kind of place tommy" Alfie jokes

"I'm not doing it willingly. Now let's get down to business. Have you found the mole in the company and is he dead?" Tommy asks taking a seat. I listen closely, never given the chance to hear official business before now

"She Tommy. Is she dead. And the answer to that is no. The mole is one of my whores, and I went to kill her but in the end, you know how it is, the red heels, black dress, I couldn't help myself" I almost choked on my own saliva trying not to laugh but we couldn't contain ourselves and soon me and gia were crying

"Will she be dead soon?" Tommy asked

"Life is a roller coaster Tommy. Smoothly we go along, until you reach the drop. This is her drop in life. However I can't promise there won't be a less rough track at the bottom" No one could quite understand what Alfie was saying and by the look on his face, he realised that he's talking to the girls who managed to set a bar of soap on fire (long story)

"I have people following her. They will kill her when the time is right as long as they do not fail! Now, profits!" And that is the point me and gia sat on a bench in the corner of the room, and stopped listening entirely. She leant against a wall and dozed off. I couldn't help but admire her. The way her soft fiery red hair lay peacefully on her shoulders, her cherry lips parted ever so slightly. Pulled out of my trance by Alfie walking stick hitting the floor, I almost leapt from my seat in surprise as did gia

"Come on, hurry up if you ever want to see this art shit" Tommy said as we sprang up and ready to go. I said goodbye to Alfie and he even gave us some biscuits to eat on our journey to the gallery. Me and gia linked arms as we skipped infront of Tommy

"Stay where I can see you" he warned

"We will" we yelled back not really listening. We finally got there, and the two of us rushed inside as Tommy chased after us. He was finding it all very boring so went and sat in the cafe upstairs. Me and gia walked around in awe at the artists creative work

"So sad" I heard gia mutter. I turned around to see her staring at a painting of medusa, the poor woman so evily deceived by men, broken into a thousand pieces and blamed for being a victim. They made her the antagonist in her own story. We stood in wonder at the beautiful and captivating piece before hearing Tommy yell our names

"It's getting late" he told us. I suddenly felt tired realising just how late it was. 11 o'clock. And believe me when I tell you I am not a night person. Or a morning person. I'm not really a people person either. I'm more of a, wake up at lunch time and hibernate, kind of person. We got into the car and fell asleep straight away as Tommy drove us home

Me and gia wake up to yelling and I rub my eyes realising we are back in Birmingham. Shit. This is gias house. Oh shit shit shit on the bloody thing. Me and gia go wide eyed and jump out the car to see Mrs Banks yelling at a very confused and angry looking Tommy

"I've been worried sick and then I find out she's all the way in London with a fucking gangster. Did you not think to tell me?" She yells at Tommy as he stands in shock. I turn to gia and say

"Wow. Look at him. He's speechless. I've never seen Tommy shelby speechless." She giggles and hugs me goodbye as her mother goes to hug her which soon changed to a scolding as she was dragged in the house. Meanwhile, me and Tommy got back in the car and began to drive to his house where I would be staying tonight

"Didn't think to tell Me I was basically kidnapping the girl?" Tommy says through gritted teeth as I chuckle

"Gias mum wouldn't let her go. What were we supposed to do?" I shrugged

"Oh I don't know. Maybe not lie about it and force me to drive you both all the way to London for a meeting with a gangster without her mum knowing" he yelled at me

"We never lied. You just assumed gias mum knew. So really it's your fault" I say as we get out the car after parking up

"Go inside and get to bed before I throw something at your head" he warned causing me to run to me room in a fit of giggled and joy. Today was a really good day, that's for sure. It was like a date. As close as we're gonna get to a date. Had our relationship been legal, I would've danced with her to music, kissed her next to the romantic paintings and held hands sweetly. But it's all just a fantasy. Still, it was nice to do something different, something magical

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