Theres a Rat

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Gia pov

The past week has been hell! Constantly expecting the police to knock on my door and drag me away. Only good thing thats happened is the release of my mother from prison and so I've been staying with her. She doesn't know what's happened, she doesn't need to know. It would just be one more person in danger if we are ever found out by the law and I can't let that happen. She's done so much for me over the years, sacrificed everything for my happiness. I won't let my way of life become a danger to her

I was sitting eating my breakfast, mother making a cup of tea with shaky hands. The prison had really affected her. I'm not sure what she'd seen there, but something or someone had got in her head. Perhaps it was the absence of my father, or the depressing winter weather than had taken a toll on her. But whatever it was, I could tell it was eating her alive

"Let me help" I muttered quietly, standing up and walking over to mother

"I can do it Georgia. Just sit back down and eat your breakfast before it goes cold" she told me not looking up from the kettle. I turned to walk back to my seat but a scream and a loud crash forced me to whip my head around. Mother had scolded herself and in the process, dropped the kettle on the floor

"Mummy please" I begged with teary eyes as she stood shaking and crying. Careful not to startle her, I moved her towards the tap and moved her hand under the cold water, stroking her back for comfort

"I...I need to clean this up" she said trying to pull away

"I'll do it. I don't mind. Let's get your hand sorted and I'll make sure everything here is tidy" I kissed her cheek and sat her down at the table. Then I got the first aid kit from the cupboard and made sure to put dressing on her burn

"You need a break Mummy. Please. For me" I begged looking her in the eyes

"I think I'll have a lie down. Don't worry about tidying up my love. Go and meet with some friends. Won't be long before you're no longer a child but a woman. I want you to make the most of this year" mother held my chin and kissed my forehead before walking upstairs at a slow and steady pace. As she did so, I cleaned up the spilt water. When all was tidy, I finally sat down and picked up today's news paper for I hadn't had time to read it. The front page was enough to make my heart stop!

I held onto the paper tightly, scared I'd drop it in a puddle as I left the house and ran to find rose. I know I'm still not welcome in the shelby house. Not truly. But she needed to see this and I was certain no one else would dare show her. With my fist, i banged on the door heavily waiting for someone to open it. When someone finally heard me, I rushed past whoever it was and went straight to the kitchen where I knew rose would be having breakfast

"Gia, what is it?" She asked noticing my tears that had slipped on my run. Not having the heart to speak, I handed rose the paper and let her read the front page news. I watched as she collapsed into a seat, her body trembling at the thought

"What's going on?" Finn asked taking the paper from rose. But she was just looking at Tommy with an evil eye, to preoccupied to acknowledge finn

Finn pov

Everyone was watching intently, waiting me for to read out the news. But it was something I struggled to say out loud

"Local teacher, Benjamin Clarkson, Hung for indecency after the police recieved a tip off from an unknown source" I read out, slamming the paper down on the table once I was done and running my hands through me hair. Gia and rose sat next to one another in tears and everyone's mouths dropped upon hearing the news

"How could you?" Rose asked looking at Tommy

"Rose luv, I know I havnt been the most supportive, but I wouldn't tell the coppers anything" Tommy swore

"I don't believe you" she yelled standing up. She punched him repeatedly whilst I held a sobbing gia in my arms. Tommy allowed her to get her anger out and just stood there letting it happen. She stopped once he wrapped his arms around her and brought her in for a hug

"If it wasn't you, then who was it? The only other people who knew were those involved and they wouldn't snitch or they'd also be hung" gia choked

"Maybe someone saw him. Forgot shut the curtains or something. A neighbour could have got suspicious" John suggested

"No. No he's too careful for that. It has to have been someone in this room. And he died knowing that. He died knowing that someone here ratted him out to the police" rose sobbed into Tommy's chest

"It was me. What he did was disgusting and he deserved to be punished" Michael spoke up after being quiet for a very long time. Ada stormed out of the room, knocking Michael in the process. Arthur swung for him, tried to punch our idiot of a cousin. Polly managed to stop him

"Arthur no! He's my son. I'll deal with him how I see fit" she yelled making Arthur also storm out, probably to the garrison for a drink. Michael stared at polly, looked around at us for help but we ignored him. Instead I wiped gias tears and hugged her head to my chest

Polly slapped Michael around the face making him stunned

"He was a good man. Why is it anyone's business who he loves? He wasn't hurting you in anyway. The only reason you told the coppers was because you are a pathetic little boy who thinks he's a man. Get out of this house. I don't want to see your face again. You are no longer my son Michael!"

"But-" Michael didn't have time to speak before John dragged him from the house, pushed him into the road and then slammed the door on him. Polly left the room but we could hear her crying. That must've been the hardest thing she's ever had to do. But it was the right decision

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