Prayer for God

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Sunday, 3 weeks later

Polly pov

I lost my son a long time ago. And now I've lost him again. As much as it pains me to let him go, I know deep down that its the right thing. The only morally good thing I've done in a long time. Everyone has become used to gia and roses relationship. It blossoms every day and they are so beautiful together. Of course, we've all been worried and very cautious about the outside world knowing. But for now, everyone is safe and that's how I intend for it to stay

"Come on. Hurry up" I yell for the children. Although I suppose they aren't children anymore. Rose and gia are young women. And finn is a grown man

"I can't believe you're making me do this" he growned trudging down the stairs

"You look very handsome finn. Give me a kiss" I said kissing his cheek as he rolled his eyes

"Aw ye. Give us a kiss" John said ruffling Finns hair and putting him in a head lock

"John pack it in. Honestly, I feel like I'm babysitting" I complained as rose and gia rushed down the stairs hearing us all ready to go

"I can always leave if you want pol" John said walking off but i stopped him

"Oh no you don't. We are going to church because it's a good thing to do. For mind and soul" I told everyone

"Aunt pol. I don't mean to be rude. But I think my religious ship has sailed......and the bottom of the ocean......complete submerged
.......never to be seen again" rose said making even Tommy laugh slightly

"Just get in the bloody car" I said storming out, chucking Arthur the keys. He was taking one car and John driving the other. We soon arrived at church slightly late, and everyone turned around to see us. We were stood at the back of the church awkwardly listening to what the vicar had to say

"God ada. These pants you gave me are right up me crack" Rose whispered to ada but we all heard. The rest of the family started laughing, I just elbowed her to be quiet

We all shut up and listened closely to the vicar. I hadn't been to church in so long, felt almost out of place but home at the same time. So many memories of when I was a girl flooded back, looking at the stone walls and the stain glass window. We all prayed and as I closed my eyes, I could think of one thing only

I prayed for the safety of rose and gia. And that they're love will thrive in safe keeping, waiting to some day be excepted in this world. Those two girls mean everything to eachother, and just the thought that society should force them apart.....Well it breaks my heart and crushes me soul. All I want is for them to be happy, healthy, and safe in the comforting Arms of one another

I finished praying and the vicar went on. I could hear John trying not to laugh but tried to ignore it

"What do you call a travelling pope?" I heard rose whisper to her brother

"A roamin catholic" she answered making him snort at her crap but admittedly clever joke

The big wooden doors opened loudly and in walked some coppers. But they stayed at the back, not interrupting the service. Rose looked at me with wide eyes but I just smiled at her, hinting that she was safe, that they would be alright. But i was visibly shaking. The policemen kept looking over at us, whether they wanted to arrest us, I wasn't sure. Our family has done so much that anyone else would be hung for. We've killed so many, frauded innocent people, fixed the races, drugs to the point of near death. Smashed up homes and pubs. So many fights started that I can't even count. It wasn't just gia and rose worried. We all were!

It seemed everyone else knew it aswell, for the odd people kept turning around, half expecting one of us to be in cuffs. When the service was over and people were leaving the church, the police stopped us from going

"Rose shelby and gia banks. We'd like to ask you a few questions down the station. You aren't being arrested. We'd just like you to tell us a few things" the police man said

"Fuck off" Arthur grumbled trying to get past him but the police man pulled a gun out, causing Arthur to chuckle. Rose and gia gripped onto my hands from fear but I knew they didn't want to show it

"We'll go" rose said

"What? Rose luv, I can't fix this. You don't have to go" Tommy said

"Aunt pol, if we don't go now, they'll only come back with more force. Like he said, we aren't being arrested because we've done nothing wrong. We'll be fine" the girls hugged me before the police men put them in the back of the car and drove off. Tears ran down my cheeks as everyone looked helpless and worried

"We'll get them out pol. We promise" John said putting and arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to his side

"How could the police possibly know?" Ada asked

"Let's think. Who has a reason to hate our family, has already proven he doesn't like homosexuals. Has been known to rat them out to the coppers. And is no longer in contact with us" Arthur yelled sarcastically, kicking a tomb stone in anger

"Hey! My son wouldn't do such a thing. Not to his own family. And watch what you're doing. Don't punish the dead" I yelled motioning towards the chipped stone

"Sorry pol. But there's no one else it could be" Arthur said. I knew he was right. I just didn't want to believe it. And those poor girls, i bet they are terrified right about now, realising what's just happened. I wish I could be there for them. But God loves all his children, he will protect these two for as long as it's needed

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