They know

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Finn pov

I walked Rose to school in the hope that she would feel safer. Of course she very rarely walks alone anyway but I like to know personally if she is safe, rather than waiting to hear it from Tommy. Rose is my baby sister, she means so much to us all and in our our life.....its tough to keep her safe. From the corner of my eye, I could see Rose figeting with her cardigan sleeve most likely from anxiety. Lightly, I nudged her and smiled at her red watery eyes

"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked

"I'm worried about gia. Last night she called me and.....

Flashback roses pov

I was just about to get into bed when polly came upstairs

"Georgia is on the phone" so I ran downstairs and went to speak hoping to have a cheerful conversation as usual. But this was no ordinary talk. It was one filled with worry and despair

"One of the girls from the older years, I don't know her name, she's just thrown a brick through the window. She was yelling about my uncle. Calling him a fag and all sorts of horrid stuff. Oh Rose. She knows. And now that she knows, everyone will"

End of Flashback Finns pov

"Now you listen to me ay. Anything happens, and I mean anything, you and gia come straight home or use the school phone to call me. One of us will pick you up do you hear?" I said to her kissing her cheeks

"I know. I'll remember that finny" we continued to walk to school but I couldn't stop noticing the angry glares from a couple boys as we walked to the gates. Not sure on the context, I decided to leave it. Very few people like us shelbys so I imagine just another wannabe gangsta who doesn't understand that everything comes at a price

Rose pov

With no sign of gia on the playground, I stood nervously awaiting the bell of soom that signalled our sentence was about to begin. And there it was. Chimes echoing through Birmingham, warning any children who may be late to run.

I walked in to form and quickly took my seat not seeing any sign of gia. Mr Clarkson walked in and put his brief case on the desk and got out all his folders and test papers for later classes

"Rose, Where's Georgia?" He asked with a concerned half put smile etched across his face

"I'm not sure sir. She-" before I could finished, the door opened and I'm walked gia, her head down as she hurried to take her seat next to me

"Ah Georgia. Good to see you. Not like you to be late" Mr Clarkson said

"Sorry sir" she muttered

"Yes well.....don't let it happen again and it'll be our little secret" the class settled down and we got on with the register. Once completed, the class got back to talking but it was hard to ignore the harsh whispers and glares coming from some of the other kids. Georgia seemed out of place, almost scared throughout the morning and it was only at break that things really started to go downhill

As we sat under a tree drawing, trying to ignore the unfortunate events of this morning, a few girls from the year below walked over

"Heard your uncles a fag. Are you a fag aswell?" One of them asked, her face caked in badly applied makeup

"Oh do one will ya" I muttered rolling my eyes at her simpleness

"What did you say to me? Oi. I'm talking to you" she yelled

"Ye well take a hint love. I don't wanna talk to that fat gob of yours. Takes up half your fucking face fat cow" I said to her. A few of her friends gasped as her fists clenched

"Do you know who my father is?" She asked, nostrils flaring and eyebrows scrunched

"Why? Mother never tell ya?" I asked. I noticed one of her friends snort trying to contain her laughter

"My father is chief of police" she said as if that was something to be proud of

"Wow. Congratulations. You must be very proud. Although don't you find it odd that your father us chief of police and yet its a gang who run this place" I stood up and raised an eyebrow at the little girl infront of me. It was at this moment that she realised who I was


"Exactly love. Exactly. Now why don't your run along to your simple life and piss off before I shove this pencil up your arse" I said holding up the pencil I had just been drawing with. Her and her gang of freaks all ran off and we were left in peace

"You shouldn't have done that" Georgia said as I took a seat on the grass

"G, they deserved it. If I didn't say something then they would've carried on. Atleast now they have fucked off" I said making her chuckle

"Your really are something else Rose shelby" she said shaking her head with a small smile on her face. The day continued like that. Everyone teasing and annoying us about Georgia's uncle, some kids going as far as agreeing with his death sentence. Well I was having none of it. With every insult they threw came a retaliation from me much to Georgia's displeasure. But this was no longer just about her. She is my best friend and I wasn't gonna stand aside and allow her to be bullied

Gia means everything to me. She is the reason I wake up and the thing I dream about at night. I love everything about her from her impeccable looks to her carefree personality. And I would die for her and anyone who stands in the way of our friendship shall fall

Georgia's pov

I appreciate Rose for sticking up for me. But doesn't mean I like it. I just wish she would leave it be. Let them say what they wish for I care not. Everyone in small heath is narrow minded with no personality. Except for Rose. She is bubbly and strong willed, won't let herself be bossed around and she certainly knows how to take a stand with pride. Her eyes are like pools that I could dive into, shining brightly with her soul. But it's a friendship. A best friendship. Nothing more. Nothing less. Between you and me, if I had it my way, we would be together openly with the love of our families standing with us. But it's all a mere fantasy

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