Our love

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Tommy pov

Something is different about rose. She's been on edge these past two days and it's beginning to worry the family. She grasps my hand out of reflex whenever we pass the coppers, and she keeps her head down around them. Makes me think she's got herself into some deep shit and doesn't want us to know about it. Well I can't just sit around when my little sister could be in fucking trouble. Rose was at the kitchen table eating her breakfast before school not saying a word to anyone when I stormed in

"Right. What the fucks going on?" I asked sitting down infront of her

"Oh Tommy leave her will you. She's just a teenager. No worse than you were at her age" polly said believing that rose was simply being a grumpy teenager

"If that's true, then why the fuck is she suddenly scared of the coppers. I want to know what sort of shit she's got herself into before she's fucking arrested" I said. I then turned to rose who had looked up from her food. Arthur and finn were sat quiet at the table not wanting to butt in

"I havnt done anything" rose said quietly

"Oh ye? Then explain two things to me. 1, why the fuck do you shake of nerves when we pass the coppers. And 2, where is fucking Georgia?" The moment I said gias name, rose broke down in tears with her head in her hands

"Well fucking done tommy" polly said as she rushed over and hugged rose. Me, finn and Arthur were all so confused. Normally we'd hug her and make everything better, but no ones sure what actually made her sad. And we sat, worried it was us that were annoying her

"What you all doing here still? Leave!" Polly snapped. We quickly scrambled out of the kitchen and went our separate ways, pretending that nothing ever happened

Rose pov

After the boys were gone, polly put a cup of tea infront of me and asked what was wrong. I had long since wiped my tears and done my best not to cry

"I think I've fucked things up with gia. She...she did something after an argument and....and normally I'd be thrilled but I just wasn't expecting it. And now she thinks I hate her because I never did anything for her back"

"Well you know there's only one option don't you love" polly said stroking my arm

"What? Aunt pol, it's over, I love her and it's over" I cried

"Oh don't be daft. If that's all the issue is, then get dressed, go over to her house and whatever she did for you, just do it for her. Listen love, it's never over between you two. Do you understand? You're too close for me to let anything happen. Now go fix this" she kissed my forehead and I raced upstairs, past a confused finn and in my bedroom. My school uniform was all ready hanging in the wardrobe. I got dressed and ready for school, then I darted out the house. Gia didn't live far away but I still ran with all my might. I can't let the person I love slip through my fingers

"Gia. Gia please open the door" I yelled banging my fist against the wooden door. It took a minute but finally the door opened

"Hello Mrs banks. Is gia in?" I asked

"Yes dear. I'm just nipping to the tailors but make sure you two girls leave for school on time" she let me in and then I ran upstairs to gias room

"Rose!" She said in surprise

"Alright. I love you. But not like how i love my sister or anything like that. I love you how Tommy loved Grace"

"What?" I forgot she wasn't here when Grace was alive

"Grace. Tommy's late wife. Anyway that doesn't matter. The point is, I love you in a way that isn't yet excepted by society. But I don't care. I'm willing to risk it if you are" We were both trying our hardest not to cry

"I'd risk everything for you. I love you rose" I walked over to her and pulled her closer until out lips met. Life is for moments like this. Moments that fill the heart with love and affection. I always thought I was weird, different, broken. But now I realise how wrong I was. I'm not weird, I'm just not like the rest. And I'm not different. I still know how to love. And I'm definitely not broken for i have never felt more happy and more human than when our lips brushed against eachother. Everything would be OK now. We just had to keep it a secret, not let anyone find out. We pulled apart smiling widely at one another

"Rose Shelby will you do me the honour and be mine forever?" Gia asked

"There's a gun in my school bag. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to use it on me" and so we kissed one last time before it was finally time for school. But the day was remarkable. Everything I did was for the love of that girl. And I felt more focused, more determined. Now i had a reason to leave. I'm gonna get the best grades. Get a good job so that when gia is 18, we can move to France and live the life we want. Together. With the fake identity of simply flatmates. Because we were so much more than that. But the world could never know

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