The interrogation

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Rose pov

A mere 30 minutes ago, I was making jokes in a church with my brothers, laughing. All I wanted at the time was to get out of there and away from aunt pol nagging me about religion. But now, I'd give anything just to hear her talk about God. Its not that I don't believe any of it, I do truly. But I feel I should live my life how I want to live it, now how some god who may or may not exist wanted it to go. We only live once, and I won't live it obeying the rules made by god and society. Yet in times of need and fear, praying is a great comfort to me. Helps me relax and makes me realise that no matter what, god will forever be on my side. He loves us all, and forgives us no matter what. Although deep down, I know he can't help me. Not really. Everyone's got to die. Even if god does forgive is, doesn't mean the court will

When we arrived at the station, gia was taken to a room separate from the one I was dragged into. It was a light room, with a single table, a chair for myself, a chair for the officer, and a chair for a second officer to act as witness and reporter. That was all the room contained. There wasn't even a window. Just a beaming light that hung above our heads and the light from the outside world was shown by nothing other than a small window in the bolted door of steel

I took a seat and awaited the interrogation. The 2 officers also sat down but didn't say anything, only looked at me for a while, studying the way I moved, sat. Where I looked, what my face looked like (emotion based) and just a load of crap like that. But all I did was lean back on my chair, arms folded, staring right back at them with a small grin on my face. Smiling always confuses people. Makes them distrust their own state of judgement. Because smiling isn't what they expect from you, it puts them off their work and so all they can do is get straight to the point and hope I slip up

No ones pov. Gia replies will be in bold, rose replies in italics

"Where were you when Mr Banks was arrested for helping to hide the identity of his brother, a convicted homosexual?"

"I was out. On my way back, I saw them put my father in the back of the car and drive off"

"No comment"

"Were you aware of Benjamin Clarksons sexuality before it was published in the papers?'

"Not at all. To me he was just a teacher. I felt no need to ever get personal with him on any level"

"No comment"

"How long have you and miss shelby/banks been committing the crime of indecency?"

"Ew. I'd rather kiss a toad than another girl"

"No comment"

"Did you or did you not share a bed with miss shelby/banks?"

"Whenever we have sleepovers, I sleep on a mattress on the floor"

"No comment"

"Have you ever found miss shelby/banks  attractive?"

"Rose is pretty, I'm not blind. But I'm not attracted to other women. Like how a mother thinks her daughters pretty. Doesn't mean anything"

"No comment"

"What do your family think of your relationship. Be it friendship or something more"

"My mum and dad think Rose is a good influence. A nice friend. Nothing more"

"No comment"

"Do you have any other friends? Or is it just the two of you?"

"A few boys from school. Couple girls. I have plenty of friends, only reason I'm close with rose is because I was partnered up with her by the headmaster when I was the new student"

"No comment"

"Ever had a boyfriend? A crush? We're all friends here. Just interested"

"Im a teenage girl. Of course I've had crushes. I just havnt acted on them. I've never had a romantic partner, not ever, my grades are more important"

"No comment"

Tommy pov

We drove to the station and were told the girls were in for questioning. Lord knows what they must be going through, how they're being treated, how the poor kids feel. At the end of the day, that's what they Little girls who have unfortunately been caught doing something they shouldn't be. But I will get them out of this mess if it's the last thing I do

"I want to see gia banks and Rose shelby" I said to the front desk

"Mr shelby, you'll have to wait" the receptionist said. I got my gun out and fired it through the roof. Small screams were heard from shock but it quickly went quiet as people realised I was the one with the gun. They trembled in the waiting room, some women clutched their kids in fear. I didn't care about them. All I cared about were my girls, and getting them out of this mess safely

"I will see gia banks and Rose shelby immediately. I'll pay you 5 pounds to go and get them or, you can lose your eyes" I whispered to a guard who stood against the wall shaking. He sprinted off to go and find the girls and that's when someone higher up entered the room. Finally, someone other than the stupid, dim witted, cowardly trainees

"Mr shelby, and the rest of your family, if you'd like to follow me. There's a room waiting for you all. The girls will join you shortly" he said before leading us into this room. I made sure it had windows and wasn't a cell. Easy to escape it was, incase this was all a trap after all. And so we waited for the girls. And I wasn't prepared to wait longer than 5 minutes unless the guards wanted a bullet through their brains

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