
247 9 3

Year 2013- age 94

Rose pov

My whole life has been waiting for this moment. Sat infront of our TV, me, Georgia, Tyler, Connie, diana, Mark, Richard, Benjamin, Lucy, Sally, Oscar and George wait to see what the day brings. Praying, me and gia hold hands. You may be wondering who these people are and what's going on.

Me and gia never adopted. The parent life wasn't our thing and just not what we wanted. But Tyler and Connie were our neighbours during ww2 when the Germans invaded France. And we went back to England with them for refuge. Their father had died at the start of the war and their mother had left. At the time, Tyler was 14 and Connie 12. When the war was over, we returned and rebuilt our lives. Tyler bought his own place and Connie stayed with us

Tyler went on to marry Diana and had 2 sons, Richard and Benjamin. And Connie married Mark, ended up having Lucy, Sally, Oscar and George. Of course, All the children are grown up now, Sally expecting a child of her own. But this is the family me and gia love and these are the people who are supporting us through out this

"Stop it" Lucy groans as Richard pulls her hair. He continues doing it before she punches him hard in the arm

"Pack it in you two. You're not children" gia snaps

"Sorry granny" they say being quite used to those words. Lucy and Richard were always the trouble makers

"Oh shut up. It's starting now" I say. I fiddle with the remote trying to turn the volume up

"Stupid thing won't work" I yell

"Here. Let me help" Benjamin says turning it up straight away. This new technology just doesn't like me. We divert out attention to the screen and watch with hope in our hearts

"It has been announced that gay and lesbian marriage shall be officially legal throughout france"

Everyone cheers as me and gia look at eachother with tears in our eyes and kiss softly

"I will always love Georgia shelby-Banks" i said

"And I will always love you rose shelby-Banks" they kiss once again. As everyone is crying with happiness and getting out the champagne, me and gia link arms and walk to our balcony. We live in a beautiful house with many rooms for when the family stays over. Our art business went very well indeed

"Gia my love"

"Yes sweetheart"

"Do you want to get married? Officially?" She turns to me and hugs me

"We are already married rose. I proposed a long time ago. I love you so much.  I'm just thankful no one shall be put in the situation we were all those years ago" she says looking out onto the horizon. I rest my head on her shoulder as our arms wrap around one another

"The world seems so much more colourful now don't you think" I say seeing the pink sky infront of me

"It all worked out in the end. I remember being 16, after finding out about Mr clarksons death. I truly believed we were to die. Never in my mind would I have thought our love would for one second be legal" gia says wiping away her tears

"I bet he's proud of us. We lived out his dream" I cry. We hug one another tightly, our arms getting more frail every time we embrace one another. This was the end of our journey. We'd loved, laughed, cried and died. But everything we did, we did it together

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