A heavenly month

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Wednesday (1 month later)

Georgia pov

The past month has been a blissful time for both me and Rose. Everything we did was together, for eachother, to show our love and devotion. I wake up every morning and I thank the heavens for blessing me with such a gift. I know I'm not what society would call normal, but God made me this way so really, they should take it up with him if they have an issue. But either way, we must keep our relationship away from the public eye. I've been hiding who I am for 16 years, practically a master

Every day at school we eat in the art room, just the two of us. It means we can exchange loving thoughts, steal a few kisses and just be our true selves aware from all the mither from other students. I'm full aware of what would happen were we ever caught. Hung. That's what would become of us. We would be nothing more than a couple of disgusting faggots, buried 6 foot deep with the only memory people have of them being what is said in the newspaper. But I would willingly be hung if it meant I could spend just 1 day more with the girl who showed me how to love

We often have sleepovers. Spend the nights cuddling close to one another, holding on for dear life as if someone might drag us apart any second. When she's there in my arms, I can relax my heart, I can feel free from the chains of injustice that bind me down to this everlasting falsehood that is my identity. The birds can chirp once more, their sweet song vibrating melodies in my ear as I dance to their cries of joy and triumph. It's a sad world we live in, and yet I could cry of excitement and determination every time I am in the arms of the girl I once told my heart was nothing more than a friend

"Rose" I yelled running into polly house

"Alright gia" Arthur said

"Hello Arthur. Is Rose in?" I asked

"I'm coming" she yelled down. And then she came running downstairs. She stood on the bottom step as Arthur stared at the two of us

"What you two hiding?" He asked

"I don't know what you're talking about" rose said

"Ye well...whatever it is, leave me out of it" he grumbled. He walked over to the other end of the room to get his coat. Whilst he wasn't looking, rose very quickly pecked gias lips and they pulled apart just in time, faces blushing and smirks wide on their faces

"I'll never understand you women" he said walking out the house

"That's why you can't get layed Arthur" gia said before the pair darted up the stairs

"You cheeky sod" Arthur chuckled as he shut the door behind him. Rose and gia jumped on the bed and burst out laughing

"I know you enjoy the thrill darling but what if he had seen the kiss?" Gia asked cupping roses cheeks

"Then I would've had to kill him. But that's an issue for another day" she joked pulling her girlfriend in for a soft and loving kiss. It had been like this all month. No troubles, no worries. Well, except the obvious one

They were sitting with the shelby family at Tommy's House, all eating their tea when finn bought up a particular subject that made the girls shiver

"What exactly would happen if you helped someone who was gay?" He blurted out randomly

"What's bought this on?" Michael asked

"Some people have been arrested in London for protesting. Sounds like it's parents who's kids are gay. They were talking bout it in pub" finn said

"Fucking hell finn. You're not are ya?" Arthur asked

"No course not. Just curious is all" he said

"Good. Because if you were, you'd be out of this family quicker than you can say fuck" Tommy said lighting a cigarette

"Thomas!" Polly snapped

"What? You saying you support it all?" Tommy asked

"No but I'd rather not talk about such gruesome subjects infront of the children" polly said finishing the conversation

"Well what would happen?" Finn asked after some silence

"Theyd get the same punishment as the person who is gay" John answered

"Right finally. A proper answer" finn grumbled


"Yes son" John replied

"What's gay mean?" The kid asked. Arthur spat his drink out and started laughing

"It's when a man and a man fuck one another" Arthur said earning a wack from esme

"Ew that's gross" the kid said

"Ye exactly so stay away from it" John warned. They finished tea in silence, no one having the courage to break the elephant in the room. Rose and gia held hands under neath the table for it was clear rose was getting upset

"Please may we be excused?" Gia asked

"Of course dear" polly said. The girls ran upstairs and to the room that Tommy keeps for them

"Gay. I'll show them fucking gay" rose said kissing gia and lifting up her dress

"Rose! Are you sure you wanna do this? Now?" Gia asked

"I love you so much. We can wait if u want but I just want to make you feel something you'll never regret" rose smirked. Gia kissed her passionately and soon they were both on the bed, skirts rolled up. Just as they were about to start, there was a knock on the door

"Ugh. Come in" rose said annoyed. It was polly

"Hi girls. I just wanted to check you were alright after what Tommy said" polly said

"Course. Why wouldn't we be?" Gia asked worried she had somehow found out

"It was just a horrible thing for him to say. I've said the same to everyone else and now I'm saying it to you two. Nothing will get you kicked out of this family. Especially not for who you love. Its not like we decide the men we fall in love with. Tommy should know. How many women do you think want to fall for a man who only brings death and danger to his family. Anyway that doesn't matter. What does matter is that you girls know you can tell me anything. Or not. It's up to you. But I love you both like my own" she kissed both our foreheads and then left the room. I turned to gia and we both said

"Gotta love aunt pol"

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