Bribing an inspector

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Tommy's pov

There's something about being so close to losing a loved one that makes everything in the world.....dark. Greeness that once covered the trees; nothing more than dead, crumpled, brown leaves lay across the road. The sound of children playing replaced by their screams for their mothers, cries of pain as they fall over, slicing the skin from their knee to release a trickle of dark red blood. Charlie, who's usual laughter brings a smile to my face, now the noise makes my blood boil as it distracts me from what's really important. Getting those two girls out of that hell hole

I had gone down to the station every day, attempted to bribe officers to let them go. Spoke to governors about their release. Made offers only idiots would refuse. But it has been hopeless. Yesterday, many police were stood waiting for me, held me back as i tried to enter the police station, making my hope, disastrous. I was losing my cool. Tears and sobs floated in the air around me as I wailed for them to release the girls but they only laughed. No one laughs at Tommy shelby. Not normally. That day was different. I didn't have to energy or care to cut them, so instead I collapsed into a pit of misery and self despair

Today, at 8pm, the girls are due to be hung. It was half 7 and time was running out before we'd lost them for good. Myself, Arthur, John, finn, and polly drove to the station, prepared to sacrifice everything for them to live long and happy lives. I'm prepared to lose my life if that's what it takes for them to be released. I'd rather die than live in a world without them. Without gias warm smile and roses blue eyes. Without their love and passion for life. It would be a world without happiness if they were not in it

"Mr shelby. I can let you in" an officer said. He was an old, stubby man. With a thick white mustache and a fat greedy face. Polly put a gun to his head and whispered something in his ear. What it was, I'm not sure. Yet I can be certain that it scared the crap out of the man and so he left us into the station. All eyes turned towards us and a few young officers stood from their position ready to drag us out

"Gentlemen, we'd like to speak with the boss" I said. I glanced at the clock and realised we only had 20 minutes left to save our girls

"We've been given strict orders that he won't be doing business with you Mr shelby. Now...leave" the young man, younger than finn atleast, hesitated yet he was braver than the rest. Or more stupid. I wasn't sure which one it was

"Maybe this'll change your mind" John chuckled firing his pistol at the ceiling just above the man, a few screams were heard in the waiting room as the shot echoed throughout the building

"Ah. I was sure you'd come. Let's get this over with. My office" it was chief of police who had walked from his office to see what all the fuss was about. We entered the room and took our seats. Me and polly sat and everyone else was stood up

"500 pounds for the girls to be released" I got straight to the point

"Those girls aren't being released. In 10 minutes, they will be as good as dead. I don't plan on changing that" the chief replied


"You aren't getting anywhere with this Mr shelby. Go home. Make yourself a cup of tea. And forget all about them"

"£5000" the chief froze and almost choked on his tea

"You can't be serious?"

"Do I look like the kind of person to make a joke?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"£5000 per girl. And an extra £1000 each for them to have clean records. As if this never happened" I'd do anything to have them back home. Safe with us. Before he had time to argue, I shook his hand. We then waited in his office as he went to collect the girls. But no one was celebrating yet. They would be hung any minute now. We could easily have been too late

"I told gias mother the girls would be home safe. I better have been right" Arthur mumbled

"The girls are alive Arthur. I can feel it" polly said

"Fucking feel it. They could be dead and were supposed to trust it all based on how you feel?" John raised his voice but polly clipped his ear

"Don't you use that tone with me John shelby. You may be an adult now. But don't forget who raised you" she warned. Finn was being extremely quiet, just stood in the corner of the room with his head down

"Finn?" He looked up and it was only then that i saw his tear stained cheeks

"We did it mate. Don't gotta worry now" Arthur said hugging our youngest brother as he wiped away his tears. The door opened and a few officers walked in followed by the two girls. Polly ran and hugged rose and I lifted gia up and kissed her forehead. We all hugged them as they sobbed

"We tried to be brave we swear. We thought we were ready to die. But when the noose......when it was right infront of us" rose waffled on but I shushed her and brought her in for a hug

"I know sweetheart. You're safe now. Were gonna go home and you two can get some sleep" they nodded not being able to say anything else without sobbing. We dropped gia off first and her mother, who clearly hadn't slept for many nights, rushed from the house and scooped her daughter into a loving hug. Mrs Banks had discovered that Mr banks has been transfered to a prison in Ireland, given a life sentence. They wrote to one another and he's convinced her to divorce him. I assume Mr banks wants gias mother to remarry, live a happy life without the shame. Of course, gia isn't aware of any of this yet

We drove back to pollys and rose fell asleep as Arthur carried her upstairs. Polly poured us all a whiskey ad I rested my head back against the sofa with a sigh of relief

"They're home now tommy. You can rest" lizzie said from behind the sofa, kissing my lips

"Let's go home" I said standing up and putting and arm around her. Overall, I just needed a good sleep. And to think over what would happen between gia and rose. It wasn't safe for them to be together any more. But I don't want to be the one who separates them. Something has to be done

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