Trauma of the Cell

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Gia pov

I was put in a cell, all alone from the outside world, locked away like some common criminal. My head aches from the cries and shouts of mentally deranged women, many of which would benefit more from a hospital than a prison. A few women yell about their children, the poor sods who need them

"Please. He'll kill them. Their father. They aren't safe" one cries while another screams

"I was desperate. Please believe me. I needed to live. My children have to live"

And whilst all of this is going on, I sit staring out the bars that allow very little, but enough, light into the room. It takes my sight to a courtyard, gloomy and haunted by mistakes of the past, death over looking this entire building. In the middle of the square, there's a scaffold. Made of wood, ready to rot but still strong enough to hold the guilt of their murder. A hangman's noose dangles like the plague. Looming over the poor women who shakes from the sight. Something about her looks old, almost like death. Her eyes are sunken, her cheek bones defined by the starvation that has over come her. Her skin, which I can imagine was once a perky pink, cheeks rosy and lips red, is now grey and dull. Oh how poverty can age people. There isn't a chance she's as old as she looks. And I'm proven right when she yells out

"It's too late now. I might aswell say it. I killed my teacher. And I enjoyed every second of watching the life drain from his eyes. If I had the chance, I'd do it all again" her voice was that of a young lady. My age, possibly older but not by much. Poverty makes people do stupid things, but it doesn't mean everyone is innocent. I stand on a chair, watching as she walks proudly to the scaffold, head held high and a smile to show her rotting teeth. This woman had gone insane. How, I do not know. The noose was tied around her neck, tightened to fit the boney mess that was herself. I watched closely as the executioner was ready to dropped the floor, to let her die. I wanted to look away, pretend I hadn't seen it. But there was a force, a powerful and dark omen that made the resistance difficult. And so I had to watch, not being able to pull myself away

I was pulled out of my dangerous trance by the bolt at the door. Whipping my head around, I saw, with blury and teary eyes, a man in uniform stood waiting for me

"Your family is here to see you" he spoke walking closer. Gently, not wanting to startle me, he grasped my arm softly and ushered me out of the room. I was shaking in my boots as we walked to an unknown room. What I had just seen was something I will never be able to forget, that I knew. He opened the door and I saw the shelbys. With a gasp of relief, I ran over to polly. Her arms wrapped around me as she stroked my hair, allowing me to sob into her shoulder

"They.....they h...hung her......I s.....saw her d.....d....die" I choked, almost vomiting from the heavy tears. Polly wiped my cheeks but it was useless as the dampness was replaced by more salty tears

"Oh my darling. Shhh. You're safe. You're alright" she kissed my forehead and we sat down. I held onto her hand and rested my head on her shoulder, only feeling safe in her arms. The door opened again but I didn't dare look. Knowing this was them coming to take me away. To take me to the scaffold

"Didn't know if you'd turn up" Oh thank god. I turned my head and saw rose, with a beaming smile on her face, hugging Tommy

"Gia" she gasped as she saw me. I ran over to her and buried my face in her neck. I never should've watched that girl die. I shouldn't have done it

"It's OK love. We'll be out of here by this time tomorrow. I promise" she kissed my cheek and some how, that was comforting. I trusted rose and her words, forever grateful that she was remaining strong for me. We all took a seat and Tommy began to speak first

"We've got you a lawer. Richard Amerson. He specialises in these cases. We are getting you out girls" we smiled slightly at him, my hopes being raised

"What have you told the officers with whatever questions they asked? We have to make sure your story matches up" Arthur asked. And so I told them everything, the lies I told, the truths I twisted. I told it all

"Rose, did you say the same thing?" Ada asked

"No comment" rose replied

"We're not interrogating you anymore darling. Just tell us what you said" John spoke

"That's what I said. For everything they asked, my reply was 'no comment" that made more sense. Tommy told us to hold on and be patient. But he promised that whatever happened, we would be safe. Just as the officers came in to take us back to our cells, I asked Tommy

"My mum. Does she know whats happening? Where is she?"

"Gia love, we havnt told her. Not yet anyway. We can say you're sleeping over at ours. Or I can tell her the truth" I knew what Tommy meant by truth. He wanted to tell her everything. Every single detail

"Just tell her please. I just want my mum" he kissed my forehead before I was dragged away. The second I got to my cell, i tried to sleep. Hoping I would be able to block out the noise. But it was no use. I sat on my small, uncomfortable bed, rocking back and forth in despair. I noticed some markings on the wall. Lines, like someone had been checking off the days. I took my time counting it all, and discovered that whoever did this, was in prison for 3 years, 8 months and 17 days

"Gia shelby" I heard someone say my name. A tough and bold voice. One that belonged to a man. The door to my cell was opened and I stood up in both fear and respect. Although in reality, I just wanted to punch him in the face

"You're free to go" he told me unhappily. I stood in shock for a moment before quickly collecting my things and leaving the cell. He walked me out where the shelbys and my mum were waiting for me

"Mummy" I yelled. She was crying but immediately wrapped her arms around me, kissing my cheek multiple times

"Oh Georgia! I've been so worried" that was then followed by her clipping me round the ear

"How could you scare your mother like that?" She whisper yelled before hugging me again. I realise that all of this was just a reminder of my dad. We've still not heard any news on him for so long. He could be dead for all we know, but the thought is unsettling to me. I'd rather forget it

I hugged and kissed everyone as a thank you. I know how worried we had made them and it just breaks my heart. I hugged rose but we didn't kiss. Not right outside the police station

"I'll see you tomorrow for school" I tell her tucking some hair behind her ear. She smiles at me before her brother usher her into the car. Arthur drives me and my mother home since she doesn't enjoy driving when it's dark. The second my head hit the pillow, i was out like a light. But it didn't stop the nightmares which awoke me every hour during the night. The image of that girl, walking towards her own death, flashing in my mind like a constant reminder of my fears and terrors

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