Journey from Hell

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Rose pov

The next day, we got dressed and sat down for breakfast. Finn was acting completely normal around us which I was quite surprised about. He's never been one to keep secrets but I suppose he's just grown since I was 5 and he told everyone I ate the last cookie. Never have forgiven him for that

Tommy walks in and grabs a piece of toast off Finns plate

"What? Hey!" Finn protests but Tommy's already swallowed it as my youngest brother sits there pouting sadly with his arms crossed and bottom lip puckered

"I'm going to London for a meeting with Alfie Solomon today. So I won't be here to sort your messes out" he says looking more at finn than anyone

"Me? I'm mess free tommy" he says proudly

"Hmm sure" gia nudges me and raises her eyebrows. I immediately understand and we both yell Tommy's name before he leaves

"Can we come with you?" Gia asks as he stops at the door

"Not a fucking chance" Tommy says

"Oh please Tommy. There's this art gallery that opened up last year. The reviews in the paper are amazing and it looks gorgeous. Made the front cover. Please. We won't disturb your meeting. We promise" I begged hugging Tommy round the waist and gia joined

"Girls, the answers still no" he said kissing our heads as we lost all hope

"Oh for fucks sake Tommy just take the girls will you. You know how much they love art and it will save me having to take them. If you won't do it for them, do it for me" polly said waving her wooden spoon at him

"Fucking hell. Fine. Go for a piss. Long fucking journey ahead of us" he grumbled as me and gia cheered hugging aunt pol

"We aren't kids Tommy. We don't need to go and when we do, we can hold it til we find a toilet" I explained as we ran out the house to the car with gia close behind. We jumped in before he'd even got out the door. As he walked to the car, I could see him muttering under his breath what I can only presume is a long chain of curse words

"I can't believe we're finally going to the gallery. Isn't it exciting?" Gia said holding onto my hand

"I know. And with Tommy! He's certainly not the person I ever pictured taking us. I imagined it would be Arthur or polly. Even maybe your dad but not Tommy. It's great" i said smiling as my brother got in the car, clearly hearing his name pop up in conversation but he didn't dare ask what about. And so the journey began

"Hey tommy" I said after about an hour in the car

"Yes rose" he replied quite clearly frustrated

"I really need the bog" I yelled to him

"Im not pulling over. You said you could hold it" he groaned

"Fine. You've been warned. Don't be moaning when there's piss all over your car" me and gia giggled at the amount of curse words that came from his mouth, some of them I'm 90% sure he'd just created for this very moment. He pulled the car over by a couple of trees and both gia and Tommy looked away as I hopped out the car and relieved my self for a wild wee

Gia pov

As rose went and looked for a good tree to piss behind, I stood stretching my legs with Tommy as he had a fag.

"Hey tommy" I said

"Yes love" he answered looking at me

"Everythings going to be alright isn't it?" I asked. My hands were clutching my dress as I blinked away the tears of stress and fear. He put out his ciggy and walked closer, bending down to my height and putting his arm around me

"Now why on earth wouldn't it be ay?" He asked looking genuinely concerned. I never meant to worry him but i realised at that moment I'd done nothing less than cause him anxiety

"I know your.....line of work is dangerous. People die. People get hurt. I just need you to promise me that we're all coming out of this meeting alive. Because you and Rose are my family now and I can't lose you" Tommy let out a sigh as I wiped away the loose tear that had slipped

"I would've never brought you here if I thought it was dangerous. Me and Alfie, we have a peace pact. He won't hurt you or any one of us" he said kissing my head

"Peace pacts are so easily broken. It's only a business deal" I muttered not convinced by his words

"Gia, I'm about to tell you something that I've never told anybody. Not even Alfie. And I need this to stay between us. I consider Alfie a friend. Not a business partner. But a friend. And I trust him with my life and with your life. Our peace pact won't be broken, atleast not without us warning one another first" I smiled at Tommy's words. Never had I known him to have friends. Only relatives and colleagues. But it fills me with joy and hope to know how much Tommy trusts alfie. He kissed my forehead and then straightened back up

"Rose. What the fucks taking so long?" Tommy yelled into the woods

"I'm tryna find a good tree" we heard her yell back making me chuckle as Tommy rolled his eyes

"It's not the bloody ritz. Just find a tree and fucking take a piss. If you're not in this car in the next 20 seconds, I'll leave without ya" he yelled back as we got in the car. All three of us knew Tommy would never leave rose all alone in the middle of no where, but it didn't stop rose from running out of that woods and jumping in the car as Tommy counted outloud

Finally we were on the move again, ready for London. We only had about an hour and half left. Only. Fuck this is gonna take forever. Me and Rose played eye spy but Tommy refused to join in

"Since when were you the mental age of a 5 year old?" He asked us as we played

"Oh excuse us for not sitting in silence for 2 hours and 30 bloody minutes" rose chimed back as we continued to play.

"Are we there yet?" Rose whined

"Right. For the 100th time, you'll know we're there when the fucking car stops moving!" He yelled slamming his hand on the steering wheel. I don't think Tommy is fit to drive with kids in the car. He doesn't like noise. Or questions. And sadly me and Rose ask alot of questions noisily

"Tommy" I say

"What now?" He asks

"You're really not gonna like this" I say

"Oh for Christ sake. What?" He asks

"I need piss" it was as if the devil had been let loose. I could almost see the smoke coming from his ears as he yelled and smalled the car. We were near a pub so I rushed in there. I walked in and asked the barmaid where the toilets were. But apparently only customers can use the loo so I was thrown out. Dancing about to stop me from peeing myself, I got to the car

"They won't let me use the bog unless I'm a customer" I complained. Tommy got out the car and rose made sure no one stole it as me and Tommy ran inside the pub. He grabbed his gun and fired it at the roof silencing the entire room

"Now, this young lady needs a piss. And we are not stopping for a drink. So, you can either allow her to use your toilet. Or she can do it right on this floor. And i can promise you, we won't be cleaning it up" he yelled. I was willing to pee on the floor if it taught them a lesson. Thankfully it didn't come to that however as they let me use the loo from fear of Tommy's gun. I went quickly and then we rushed back to the car. The next half an hour was almost silent as rose drifted off to sleep and within 5 minutes, I followed

Tommy pov

They were like monkeys in a cage the entire ride. Loud and annoying. And now there's 15 minutes left of the journey, they suddenly fall asleep. Typical! Now I'm gonna have grumpy teenagers on my hands when I wake them up

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