Worlds crumble

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No ones pov

The day had gone so smoothly, both girls passionately in love, not a soul suspicious of anything. They had shared their love with one another, they had kissed and now must pay the price. The moment those doors opened, the girls realised that this could very well be the day that it all ends. The day the police drag them away and kill them until they are nothing but another pair or no good criminals. Vile scum who's names are only uttered for a bad cause.

Its not like the girls had ever expected to live long lives, with them both being gay and deeply related to the peaky blinders. They just never assumed it would all be over so soon. Just as life begins, and now it could be taken away from them. For so long, they felt out of place, wrong and disgusting. Finally, after 16 years, they were happy with who they are, at peace with their true selves. And like the click of a button, it's all over for them.

Mr Clarkson could go and get a gun, blow their brains out and no one would think twice about his punishment. Hero. For shooting the fags. They wanted to believe that Mr Clarkson was a decent human, ahead of his time with more morals than most. But the likelihood was too small for hope to seem reasonable. The only thing that could come of this was Mr Clarkson life in danger, or there own!

The girls wanted to run, leave the country and never look back. But their feet refused to leave the floor. It was almost impossible for them to speak and yet they had so much to say. Rose couldn't help but feel the anger inside of her. Why didn't he knock? Yet deep down, she knew it was ridiculous to ask a teacher to knock on his own classroom when they were the ones who shouldn't be there. Deep down, she knew that dwindling on the past would only bring dissapointment and heart break for none of this can be taken back.

It's happened. They kissed in a public place and they were seen. If the pair weren't so terrified, they probably would've shot at Mr Clarkson. It would've been the easier route. To just kill the only threat and pretend it never happened. Go back to life before they were caught, before their entire happiness was ruined

Vikings once believed the four corners of the earth were held up by giants. Great big beasts being responsible for so many lives; their strength impossible to deny or compare. And when Mr Clarkson walked through those doors, the girls could almost feel the collapse of the giants, like dominoes, going down one by one until everything they had known was gone, left for nothing. The gulp of apprehension and anxiety was like an alarm to my Clarkson that he had brought fear and terror down on the girls in such a simple way when that was never his intention

"Sir, please, I beg of you, don't tell anyone. It was a one time thing and it won't happen again" gia begged as her eyes watered

"Girls i-"

"Tell a soul and i'll fucking cut you!" Rose threatened, deciding to take a more violent approach to the situation

"No one else will find out. Atleast not from me. But I urge you, take heed! This may seem like bad luck for me to walk in on you, but this is a school and I could've been anyone. Another teacher, students, council, inspector. And I can promise you this, not everyone will be as understanding as myself" Mr Clarkson gave his word, letting the girls release a sigh of relief

"But sir, I don't understand! I'm grateful you aren't reporting us, but surely any normal human would be on the phone to the police as we speak" rose said concerned that this was a trick

"Love is love. We can't decide who we fall in love with. Otherwise every woman would be with a rich man and every man would be with a beautiful lady. You see families who have no money because their parents, two poor adults, fell in love. Well surely if we can choose who to love, then a poor man and woman would go to rich people. This is the same. No gay person in our time chose to be gay. It just doesn't happen! But it happens because falling in love with someone is easy, and stopping that love is what proves the most challenging task any sane person shall face. Do you understand what I'm saying girls?"

"Yes sir" they both replied quietly

"Mr Clarkson, I apologise if this seems abrupt, but are you gay? Because you seem to know how it feels first hand" gia asked her teacher

"No I'm not gay. I simply know how the brain works unlike our small minded government. I must leave now girls. Staff meeting. And please, be more careful in future. We don't want the wrong eyes catching sight of your love" and with that he left

"That was too close for comfort. Thank God it was an understanding teacher" gia said getting back to her art work

Rose pov

I couldn't help but wonder. Is he gay? I'm aware he said he wasn't, but everything he else was said with so much emotion. Like he had every experience he spoke of. He's protecting us. By not telling us, he knows that the police can't suspect us of anything, and we can't be arrested for knowing about him. But now I can't help and worry. Mr Clarkson knows about me and gia. From now on, we must be so careful, for his life would hang with us

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