Safe Place

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Gia pov

I hadn't anywhere to go after John kicked me out. So I wondered around aimlessly in hope that some wonderful miracle would occur. And it did! Mr Clarkson spotted me in tears down by the cut. He took me home, gave me food and a bed to sleep in. I couldn't be more grateful for his kind actions but something inside me just wasn't satisfied. I thought I'd found my family. For so long I've been alone, sure my parents love me but they always work. The shelbys were the massive family I'd always dreamed of, someone there for you at any time, any day. And now I've lost them. But what hurts most; I've lost rose, the woman I love more than life itself

I sat next to Mr Clarkson on the sofa in a sulk, tears burning my eyes, threatening to fall but I tried my hardest to blink them away. But the very second he pulled me in for a hug, my guard dropped and the world around me turned blury and painful

"I just want her back" I cried into his shoulder. He wiped away my tears of woe and sadness

"I know its hard my dear. And I intend to help you to the best of my ability" I gave me his word that he only wanted what's best for me, explained how he related to me yet he didn't have time to tell me why for someone knocked on the door. He left the room and seconds later, the door was flung open and there stood a freezing and teary eyed rose

"Oh sweetheart" I cried jumping up into her arms, using my hugs to warm her up for her touch was ice. She cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead as we sobbed together

"I've told Tommy he's no longer my brother. He's out of our lives gia. I promise" she stuttered. My heart broke for her although I'm sure that wasn't her intention

"No! No that's not right. Tommy is your brother, he's helped you through so much and you've done the same for him. He needs you and I know deep down, you need him aswell. Listen, what he did was uncalled for and horrid, but he's your brother. And I'd be hung before I see you separate from your family" I said to her wiping away my eyes and pacing frantically thinking of a way to solve this mess that was our lives

"Girls. Take a seat and rest. I have something to tell you" Mr Clarkson said. We hesitantly sat down on his sofa, hand in hand as his eyes watered and lip wobbled

"We're sorry for putting you in so much danger. Truly!" Rose apologised on behalf of us both

"No. Its not you. I was in alot of danger way before you I'm afraid. You see girls, I'm about to tell you something which no one other than those involved know about. Not a single person on this straight, not my sister, not my parents, no one. I have a wife legally. Jackie. We live in this house. And there's another couple. Bobby and Sammy. You see, we have an arrangement. Bobby is my boyfriend and Sammy is Jackie's girlfriend. We live our lives in disguise all day until at night when we can go home and live as our true selves. In love with the same gender, and passionately devoted to every bit of them. I wish I could be more open without risking my life, but I have more than many others in my position. It wasn't always like this. There were rumours whilst I was at school, people knew I was gay but of course I denied it. My life was a living hell. Police knocking constantly. I was even arrested a few times but they found no evidence. The point is, Life's hard and things go to shit. You will face struggles and brutalities on your journey to happiness. But with every journey, there is a destination. And soon, if you are careful and smart about it, you can live your lives full of joy and cheer. Do you understand?" We were in tears listening to his story, afraid and yet moved by his words

"I...I had no idea" I stammered. He chuckled for a moment before replying

"Well that's the idea. I'm careful with how I act, who I speak to. Before I found it exhilarating to kiss my boyfriend in public when no one was watching. Now I realise, its only fun until you get caught. Only once do you need someone to find you and the police could have you hung. I'm sorry for being so upfront and harsh but I want you to understand that you must be careful"

"You don't need to worry for us Mr Clarkson. We're moving. To France. Within the next 2 years, we shall be living in France, acting as flatmates where no one knows us, opening a cafe where we can make money and selling our art to those interested. We know what we want with life Mr clarkson" rose explained it all to him. There was a small smile on his face before the door burst open and Mr Clarkson was flung across the room. Tommy, Arthur, John and Michael stood infront of us, Michael beating Mr Clarkson

"No stop it. Tommy tell him to stop" we screamed and cried. Punched and kicked but it was no use, they were forcing us out the room

"We heard it all you fucking bastard. Putting ideas in the girls heads. It's you who's been manipulating them you fucking nonce" Michael yelled

"No. He's our teachers. He's only looking out for us. Please. Please stop. Tommy. Tommy make him stop" I cried as they dragged us from the house. We continued to cry all the way back to pollys House. Immediately, John shoved us on the sofa and we just sat infront of them, tears dripping onto my dress. No one had any words and all I felt was pure anger and hatred

"He's a good man" rose whispered

"He's a manipulative bastard!" Arthur said in the same definite tone of voice

"What's going on?" Polly asked walking in. No one had the heart to answer. I could tell by Tommy's face that he regretted everything. How he reacted when he first found out, kicking me out, beating an innocent man. He hated himself for it. But Tommy shelby doesn't admit when he's wrong

"Tommy" rose muttered and he looked at her

"Yes luv" he seemed kinder now. Softer but it was most likely about Mr Clarkson. He thought the teacher was forcing us to be who we are and so no longer blames us

"Here's a gun. And 1 bullet" rose said handing him the gun and bullet. A tear fell from her eyes as she looked him straight and quietly said

"You have one chance to kill yourself. Don't miss" and with that we both walked up to her room, not wanting to hear Tommy's reaction to roses words

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