Precautions and worries

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Polly pov

Rose slept in my bed last night as I held her close. I couldn't lose her. Not again. Just the fear that everyone in small heath is now aware of Mr Clarkson and the girls knowing his secret. Any one of our neighbours could've hurt her during the night. It took everything in me to close my eyes and allow my state of unconsciousness, making me vulnerable. Thankful is not a strong enough word to describe how I felt when I awoke with her still in my arms, safe, protected, and with a small smile on her face as she slept. Just like when she was a child.

Her innocence has never completely gone. There a moments when I believe her childhood days are over. And then I catch her sleeping and notice the purity in her smile, or when she laughs. There's a childlike hint of unknowing that keeps me sane. Just the prospect that she may still see good in the world, unlike her brothers who have been twisted and beaten to think of the world as a dark place that they long to escape. Breaks my heart seeing our family crumble like it is. But Rose is the one thing keeping us steady. I just dread having to tell her the news

Gia pov

At 4 o'clock that afternoon, I was woken up by my mother. She declared that we were going to see the shelbys and that I had to hurry up and get dressed because they have some very important matters to discuss. This was all too real. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that they're making arrangements so we are safe. I know it doesn't sound bad. But the only way we are safe, is by either the world suddenly becoming an accepting place, or us moving away. The latter seems more likely in this instance

It's a terrifying thought. That the people we call family are willing to rip us apart, never to be in eachothers grasp. And yet some how, I feel sorry for them. I'm sure my mother just wants me to he safe and happy, but she can't risk me being killed. Im not a mother. Probably never will be. I can't imagine the fear she must've felt when I was in that cell. I watched her collapse into a state of despair when father was arrested, Lord knows what she was like when her only child was also locked away. I dread to think what might've happened

We arrive at the shelbys and make sure all the curtains and windows are shut. We don't want anyone hearing us or seeing us and the garrison wasn't a safe enough place. Not when it's such a dangerous thing to discuss. We all take a seat, me next to gia holding her hand as we share a look that screams 'help'

"We couldn't be more pleased to have you two home. But I think it's clear that small heath is no longer safe. Not when you're together. Changes need to be made and we want you to understand, it's for the greater good" Tommy said take charge as always

"We're moving aren't we" I asked my mother who nodded sadly, looking down at her hands from embarrassment

"What? Moving? Where to? London? Oh god don't let it be London. That's so far away. No. I won't let you" rose began to panick a little but I rubbed my thumb over the palm of her hand in an attempt to calm her

"No sweetheart. Not London.....we're moving to America" even I was shocked by her words. I figured we'd be moving to Liverpool, or the country side. At worst Ireland. But America? Its so far. Me and Rose....Well we wouldnt be together at all. I can't face the lies again. Living my life like I'm someone I'm not. Atleast i always knew I'd be coming home to see rose waiting for me, so we can be our true selves. And now I'll be forced to go through out the day, being nothing more than a new toy for the boys at whatever school I'm sent to, knowing that nothing good will be awaiting my return

"Mummy please. Think about this. What would father say? When he gets out, he'll be fuming to know we just upped and moved" I tried to reason but it only made her sob

"The things is my love, your father and I have gone our separate ways. We still love eachother very much, but me and you are at risk if we are related to someone guilty of a crime like his. Its a cruel world Georgia. And I'm so sorry you had to find out this way. So soon" I didn't know what to say. So I said nothing. Instead I stood up and left. Rose followed me out and we linked arms as we walked back to my house. We finally got there and sat down on my bed

"What are we supposed to do?" I sobbed as she hold me close to her chest

"I know darling. It's tough. But we'll get through this. I promise. Whether you live down the street from me, or across the sea, I will always love you and only you" she stroked my hair and kissed my head as we just sat their contemplating life. What was the point of this? Why should we even bother to carry on?

"I'm breaking up with you" I say. She let's go of me and just sits for a moment with tears in her eyes. I didn't want to do this. I love her more than anything. Rose is my world, but I'm leaving. And I won't be the person who drags her behind, stops her from having fun. I won't do that to her

"You don't mean that gia. I know you don't. You're just saying it because-"

"Because I don't love you anymore. I've been thinking about it awhile. Since being arrested. And I realised, I could be a normal teenager if it wasn't for you. Instead you've taken everything from me. I'm going to America. Don't wait for me. You could be waiting a long time" without a word, rose stormed out, slamming every door in the process. And that was it. I'd let her go, my rose. She wasn't mine anymore. Not now. That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But it had to be Tommy said.....for the greater good

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