The court shall Decide

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Rose pov

The door flung open and we both jumped in our seats, knowing that this could be the end. This was it. The moment we would be taken away and hung. But if I die, I'm glad it's with the woman I love. Much to our relief, it was John who walked into the kitchen. And blimey, he didn't look happy. He was pacing around the kitchen with his hands running through his hair, his face red from clearly running here. Before he had time to explain, polly rushed in with the shopping

"Good day at school girls?" She asked us not noticing John

"Right, i need to know now. If you tell the truth, it will be easier for us. Why did Jack and Katie just ask me why you never told the police about Mr clarkson? How the fuck do they know ay?" He was looking at me as he spoke, polly dropped her spoon from shock

"I lost me temper and began defending Mr Clarkson. I ended up saying how I knew all along. I'm so sorry" I couldn't look up from my hands. Shame. I just felt pure shame as I realised the extent of what I had done. Gia would be taken down with me now, no doubt about that. Witnesses saw how she ran away with me so will immediately think of her as guilty. And it's all my fault

There was a knock on the door and we all froze and listened. Everyone just walked in normally. That meant it had to be someone we didn't know. Someone like the police

"Go out the back. I'll stall them for as long as I can and-" John started telling us

"John, stop. It's ok. We spoke about it and we're ready. There's no running from this. Let them in" gia said reaching for his hand. He was shaking and trying so hard not to cry as polly wrapped and arm around me

"Go open the door John. Please" i begged but he just shook his head and looked away from me. Gia walked passed him and I heard her open the door. There was some muffled talking before gia returned, now in handcuffs with several officers behind her. They had guns. 7 of them against 4 of us. It was useless. I was ready to go. I just knew John wasn't prepared to let us go. But it happened. We were arrested once again, only unlike the last time, i knew we wouldn't be seeing the outside world again

3 days later

Tommy pov

Since the girls have been arrested, we have threatened, bribed and killed just about anybody who we thought would let us see them. Yet it was no use. They wouldn't let us anywhere near the girls, and not even our blades were doing anything to help us. The day had come for court. Where the girls would find out if they are guilty or not guilty. They had already informed us that should they be found guilty, they would be hung. I couldn't bare it. To see this little girl, the small child I had helped raise be sentenced to death. Crying wasn't an option, but I knew it would take an awful lot to keep the tears at bay

We all went and sat in the stands, waiting for the girls to enter court. My hands were shaking and my knee bouncing but then I felt a hand grip my own. I looked up to see ada had arrived and taken her seat next to me. It was a great comfort to have her by my side, knowing she wouldn't judge me for how I may react to the verdict. It came to the point where the girls were questioned one at a time. The other having to leave the room

"Miss shelby, many of your fellow students have described you as bring Mr Clarksons favourite. Why do you think that is?"

"We were alike in many ways. And once he found out I was fucking miss banks, well I suppose my position felt relatable to him" gasps could be heard throughout the court room. Rose had just sentenced herself to death. I looked at ada who had the same shocked and terrified look on her face

"She's gone mad. All the time with no sun sat in that cell. You made her say it" Arthur yelled out, standing up as polly and John tried to pull him down

"I'm not mad Arthur. I'm tired. I'm so very tired of having to hide our relationship and I won't do it any more. Not when I have spent my entire life confused about myself. Well now I see it clear as day. I'm in love with gia banks. So get the noose and fucking hang me" Rose yelled sticking her finger up at the judge. Polly was sobbing into John's arms as he too was trying to hold back all his tears. Rose was sent out after her outburst and gia was put on the stand

"Miss Banks, what is your relationship like with the shelby family?"

"Well, I love the boys. Alot. They're like protectors in a way. And it's nice to have a big family, being an only child" gia was interrupted when the doors opened behind us. In walked gias mother, apologising for being late. She sat next to polly and hugged her for support as gia continued

"And then there's the women. All very beautiful and kind. They look after me well and I love them alot. I'm sure they'll hate me after I tell them I've been fucking Rose shelby" gia said. These girls had planned this. They knew all along what would happen. I'm not sure if they want to die. Or if they have just given up trying to live

"And do the shelbys know about your disgusting ways with miss shelby?"

"They didn't have a clue until now. Figured it we told them, they would stop us from seeing eachother". They were protecting us. Gia and rose, convincing the court we had no idea of their love for one another. After a few more questions, both girls were stood in the room, as the judge read out their sentence

"Rose shelby and gia banks. You have been found guilty of indecency and hiding the knowledge of Benjamin clarksons homosexuality from police forces. I here by sentence you to death by hanging" We all jumped up. Screamed bloody murder for them to be let go

"They're just kids. Didn't know what they were doing" ada yells before breaking down in sobs. We are held back by police as they girls are dragged away. The only comfort was seeing their faces. Not a hint of sadness or despair. If anything, they look proud for standing up for their love. I couldn't deal with it. And so i left. I ran straight home and collapsed by the front door. How could this happen? How could we lose our little girl?

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