Talk to the moon

491 16 3


Rose pov

Me and Georgia lay in my bed, blankets heaped over us as we shook from the chill in the air. The pair of us had a very civilised debate about who would shut my window which were flung open hours before, allowing the Gail's of the night to sweep into my room. That conversation lead to both of us huddled together to keep warm for neither one of us would move our sorry arses and close the damn window

Georgia's red locks lay on my shoulder as I rested my chin on her head. She smelt so sweet, like freshly picked berries from the fields of Italy. Like a dream. We both lay laughing about stuff that happened at school. How Oscar Windsor and Ryan harken fought in the school playground over a biscuit. And how the bitter Mrs atkin was unfortunate enough to walk into a door as she was mid way through a temper tantrum

"Fucking hell it's cold" our heads darted to see pol walking in, closing the open window quickly. Her eyes held a small sparkle of hope that wasn't normally there, her hair a mess and her lipstick smudged against her bright smile that she was trying so hard to cover up. She walked over to us and sat on the edge of the bed, her hand resting on my leg as she looked lovingly into our eyes, like a mother looks at her children

"I'm going to bed now girls. Please try and keep it down my loves" she reaches over and gives both me and Georgia and goodnight kiss before leaving the room, a little bounce in her step

"Aunt pol" Georgia called her name, making my aunt pause in her tracks, slowly turning around to see what it was we needed

"Yes dear" polly said, biting her lip slightly to hold the ever growing smile

"What's his name?" Georgia asked, all 3 of us smiling ecstatically. Aunt pol smirked and tutted, rolling her eyes in the process

"Oh girls don't be ridiculous. There is no he and even if there was, what makes you think i would tell you two" I fake gasp and put my hand on my heart

"Wow. The utter betrayal" I whisper as if dying

"I'm going to sleep. Goodnight girls" and with that she left, leaving us in heaps of laughter, giggling at the scene that just unfolded infront of our very eyes

"If anyone deserves to find happiness, it's aunt pol" Georgia says, sitting up to play with my hair

"She certainly does. Aunt pol deserves everything in the world, just a shame my brothers always seem to ruin it for her" I muttered sadly

"You remind her of Anna" Georgia exclaims, stroking my hair behind my ears. Since becoming friends, Georgia is now apart of the family, and is very close with polly. So she is well aware of Anna and what happened to my cousin, pollys daughter

"How in heavens name did you come to that conclusion?" I asked knowing full well that I could never come close to Anna

"Aunt pol told me. The other day when me and her were cooking, she said that me and you were like her own children, that we were like the reincarnation of her Anna" I'm not sure if it's what georgia said or how she said it, but a small tear escaped my eye as I thought of Anna. I never knew her but I know how much polly loved her. Mother and daughter bond is priceless, both me and polly have missed out on that so now was our time to find our happiness. And we had found it. We had found it in Georgia

"I'm not sure I can wait 2 years for France. I just keep thinking about it. The cheese, bread," Georgia says after I snap out of my transe

"What if we find love before France? Do we still go?" She asked scrunching her eyebrows at the utter thought

"Take a look around G. The boys in Birmingham or England for that matter are certainly not boy friend material. Just last week, atleast 10 over 50s asked if I wanted to carry their child" we chuckled at the memories, it's common unfortunately for men to think they own our bodies, especially since to them we seem so weak and vulnerable

"Fair fucks" she sighs flopping back down on the bed next to me as I almost fall off, but she quickly grabs me. Not quick enough as within seconds, both of us are lay on the floor, her body ontop of mine. For many seconds, we stay there, staring into eachothers eyes until simultaneously, we erupt with laughter til our bellies ached

The door flings open startling us but it was only aunt pol checking that we are still alive after we created an earthquake like shake throughout the house with our fall

"You scared me to death. Are you both alright?" She asks helping us up and back on the bed. The roaring laughter from within us enabled our ability to reply and so polly walked off with a huff since we disturbed her unneeded beauty sleep

"Wanna see something really cool?" I asked. Georgia nods her head enthusiastically as I run over to the window. With great effort ,since of course i got the dodgy window, I opened it allowing a gust of wind to hit my face with shock

"Look up there" I say pointing to the stars

"I just see a bunch of stars" she says

"Just wait. Any second now" I say. And so we did. Hand in hand, side by side, we stood staring off into the distance, imagining the freedom of a star. Having no expectations, no legality, no teenage identity crisis. That's when a star comes soaring past us, making me gaze in awe at the burning ball of hope

"Woah" is all I hear from Georgia as looks at me, a smile of wonderment etched onto her face

"You've gotta make a wish now" I tell her. We put our hands together and rest our heads on one another, both making our wish. I guess I'll never know what gia wished for. I just hope it comes true for her. I just hope she gets everything she'll ever need in the world

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