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Rose pov

We walked into form and took our seats as Mr Clarkson attempted to settle the class. Soon enough, everyone was silent and ready for whatever useless debate they would have. Today, it seemed to be a topic on women in the workplace. A debate in which i had heard my family argue over for many years. And one in which quite frankly, i didn't want to participate in. But one boy managed to piss me off enough that i stood up for my rights

"Women can't be in the workplace. They aren't strong enough nor are they smart enough. Look at the evidence. Almost everything was invented by men because we are the superior gender" one dim witted lad yelled out

"And why do you think that is? It's because for centuries, women have been denied education. And so the fact that even a few things have been invented by women is a remarkable achievement. You see, many women still alive today never got an education, and yet so many of them would easily be able to outdo you in a debate because that's what we have spent our lives doing. Debating, arguing and fighting for basic human rights when you had them handed to you on a silver platter"

The whole class went silent. Not the first time I've seen boys open their mouths to defend themselves and yet no words come out. The girls in the class looked just as shocked. Everyone was gobsmacked all except me Clarkson who expected nothing less of me

"Excellent point Rose. Women and men are biologically built for different things. Women can have babies. Men can't. The average man is faster than the average woman. But does that make anyone less important or less capable? Sure women birth children, but why does that mean a man can love and take care of his child? And yes, men have built this economy, but why does that mean I woman can't work hard to keep it steady? Times are changing boys and girls. Your great grandchildren will live in a world where they can be whatever they want to be, pilot, doctor, teacher. Isn't that just a truly fascinating thing to think about?" Mr Clarkson said pacing around the classroom. Everyone remained silent, the teachers words lingering in their heads, everyone gaining different opinions

No ones pov

"Right, class dismissed. Can I just speak with Rose Shelby and Georgia Banks please" the girls gave eachother a look, silently asking the other what it could possibly be about. They walked to sirs desk and stood infront of him as he took a seat. Once the classroom was empty, he shut the door and looked at the young women infront of him

"Now ladies, I'm sure you're wondering what the issue is. I just wanted to check up on something. You see, your friendship has blossomed into something beautiful and I admire you both. It is just that isn't it? A friendship. There's nothing more going on?" He asked raising and eyebrow

"Sir, that's illegal, surely you know that" gia muttered quietly, afraid of who might hear or know

"I'm aware. But I can't help but notice the glances you give one another. I don't want you to worry. I'm not a snitch nor a coward. I just want to warn you both to be careful" he said

"Mr Clarkson, gia is my best friend. And for you to even say that you wouldn't report us is a crime itself. We aren't criminals and we certainly aren't fags" and with that the girls left to go to their next class

At lunch, the two went straight to the art room. It was the only place they could be themselves although always cautious of course. They draw together every lunch, create the most fantastic of drawings and paintings. Ones which bring so much soul and passion to the piece that it's almost like the story is written right there on the page. It's their special talent and one in which brings them so much joy and happiness

Gia pov

I tried to stay focused with my art, to let my creative side run wild but my mind was side tracked. I couldn't help but wonder how Mr Clarkson knew. And even worse is that he could report me and Rose. Oh god! We'd be hung without a second thought. People accused of indecency are very rarely set free, guilty or not. And its not like it would make him a bad person. In these times, it would make him normal. I can't have my family knowing. It would put them at risk of being punished for my crimes. And Rose. What would become of her? No doubt the peaky blinders would be able to get her out. But would they try? We heard the words the said to poor finn after he only brought up the subject. The only true support we would have would be polly. And as wonderful and loving as she is, one woman wouldn't be able to set us free

"Gia, you're anxious I can tell. What is it sweetheart? Is it about Mr Clarkson?" Rose asked holding my hand

"Do you think other people know? I'm not entirely sure you convinced Mr Clarkson of anything. What if he goes and tells the other staff?" I panicked but Rose hugged my to calm me down

"I won't lie to you and say its all fine. If Mr Clarkson knew then there's a good chance people closer to us know. But it's nothing we can't handle. What Tommy said to finn was awful and terrible, I know. But it was also a lie. Tommy would never be able to leave us to die. He might kick us from the family, never speak to us again, but he would never let us hang. Not Tommy. He wouldn't. Please trust me on this. And if worst comes to worst, we start out journey to France 2 years early" rose comforted me although I'm certain she wasn't convinced herself.

I nodded finally relaxing a little bit. Rose softly grabbed my chin and we leaned in for a soft kiss against her warm cherry tasting lips. We pulled apart when we heard the door open

"I bloody knew it"

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