Chapter 1.

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Olivia's POV:

Walking of the house that had become home to me for over a year now was heart clenching. Every part of my body suddenly hurt so bad that I almost couldn't breathe. I've been driving for 2 hours around New York. My head was pounding so bad that after few minutes I decided to halt at the one place I knew would be open at 3 in the midnight and won't attract attention.

Joe's Bar.

I got out of the car and headed inside.

Joe's bar was the one place I knew would be safe in New York for me at this hour. Alcohol hit my nostrils as I stepped in and saw the bar was semi full as dim lights displayed everywhere and slow music played in the background.

I saw Joe in the corner of the bar talking to a friend. He saw me and immediately sensed something off because I probably looked worse than Amber Heard when she made that face after saying 'my dog stepped on a bee.'

"Hey kid, you good?" He asked, worried.

I was in no position to reply so he signalled me to sit on one of the bar stools as he served me water.

I knew I was suppose to go back to my apartment in Manhattan but I needed some air to breathe before that.

"Thanks." I said keeping the glass of water down.

"Do you wanna talk?" He asked gently.

"I'm sorry, I-I just needed some air to breathe and be at a place where no one knew me. I really don't feel like talking right now." I said.

He nodded in understanding and dropped it.

Joe was like the brother I never had. The first time me and Danica crashed at Joe's bar was the day I realised this was the most safe place for me even though it was a bar.

I wouldn't mind telling Joe but I really needed my bestfriend right now. Danica.

I sat at Joe's for another few minutes and the finally got up. Joe wasn't in sight so I just texted him saying I left and am thankful for checking on me.

I got in my car and headed straight to our apartment that was 15 minutes from here.

I reached there shortly and parked my car in the parking lot while I stepped out.

I called for the lift and it arrived almost immediately as I stepped in. I pressed on our floor and waited to reach as a memory of the very person I was trying to forget popped in my mind.


"Blaze, it probably isn't as bad as you're making it look." I said as we stepped into the elevator tired of this argument.

"Yes it is, Livvie, I've said a million times that we don't need help from the TBM." He retorted.

"Yea yea, because they have people who love them and can't afford to lose them while I'm a willing participant in the competition to lose you, I get it." I concluded.

He sighed and turned towards me.

"Livvie, you know that's not what I meant back them." He said.

I just looked at him with worry in my eyes.

"Blaze, as much as I'm use to this dangerous lifestyle, I've never had the fear of losing something to this, but now that I do.."

"It's just scary." I whispered.

He took my face in his palms and brought it closer to his.

"Olivia, I want you to remember what I'm saying now to you. I have engraved myself on your soul and on your mind, a part of me is now with you, so, even if you want, you'd never be able to entirely get rid of me." He said.

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