Chapter 17.

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Blaze's pov:
I heard someone screech behind me the minute the bullet left my gun.

Before I understood what was happening Olivia popped out of nowhere and pushed Marcus' chair to the other side as the bulled pierced through her ribs and blood oozed out.

Carter and Flora walked in hurriedly, Flora running towards Olivia as she hit the ground and held her ribs while her face showed a painful dying expression.

Everyone rushed in and Marcus looked terrified.

Me? I felt traumatised.

The next thing I know I'm pushing everyone aside to get next to Olivia.

Blood is in full speed making it's way out and Olivia won't even look at me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I was scared, beyond scared.

"Wha-what the" She managed those words out.

I didn't answer her and picked her up bridal style moving as fast as I could without trying to cause anymore pain.

We reached our parking lot as I slowly put her in the car and Flora got in with her.

I started my car and drove like a complete maniac to our emergency hospital which was 15 minutes away from the HQ.

I got out and dashed inside with Olivia. The doctors were all ready as Tyberias had already informed them and our best surgeons were all ready.

They took her in while I followed them.

"Wait, Blaze." Tim, one of the surgeons said.

"As if-" He cut me off.

"Blaze, I assure you we'll try our best but if you intrude, things might go south." He stated.

I pulled him by his collar and threatened.

"You bloody do try your best. That girl in there..." I looked through the open doors at Olivia's figure that looked so pale.

"She's all I have. If..if we-I lose her. I will literally put 10 bullets through every part of your body." With that I released him and he rushed inside.

The doors closed and the red light went on indicating that an operation was going on.

Flora stood behind me and I kept staring at the white doors behind which the only person who matters to me is probably going to fight for her life.

Before I realised everyone was present there.

My core team. Danica. Carter.

What the fuck have I done?


"Wha-what the"

Her words echoed in my mind non-stop as I struggled to breathe.

I had no clue what anybody else was feeling or going through all I knew was that I.couldn't.breathe.

The entry doors flapped open suddenly and in walked a worried Joe and sobbing Giselle.

Joe walked towards Danica as she broke down and Giselle furiously walked towards me and slapped me so hard it was going to leave a mark.

You deserve it asshole.

I know I don't even feel mad.

I slowly recovered from the slap and looked down in shame.

There was another slap, harder than the first one.

"How dare you." She hissed.

I was silent.

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