Chapter 28

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Blaze's pov:
I walked out of my home gym after grinding for 4 hours straight. Marcus had kept me updated on what's with the girls and from what I can make out, they're back to normal, at least they'll get there.

Of course the primary reason for their security was to make sure they'd be safe and within my radar but it was equally important to make sure that Olivia doesn't do something that she'd regret after Danica's confession. Guess they're doing just fine.

I made my way towards my room, climbing the stairs. Once I made it to the door I pushed it open and walked in, my phone was kept on the bed and I picked it up.

Two missed calls from Marcus.

I called him back and he answered it in 2 rings.

"Boss, the queen has left her apartment few minutes back, she informed me that she was headed to the HQ." Marcus informed.

"Alright." I said and disconnected the call.

Why is she headed to the HQ?

I didn't waste another minute and headed for a shower. Once I was done I stepped out and got dressed. I took my phone and laptop and walked out of my room, heading downstairs.

"Blaze!" Greta called out.

I turned to see her walking towards me with a plate full of sandwiches. It's been almost forever since I've seen Greta, I've stopped coming home.

My only reason to come home was gone.

Greta stopped in front of me.

"Not now, Greta I've gotta rush." I told and was about to turn again.

She held my arm and pulled me, when I say pull, I mean literally pulled me and made me sat down on the couch, snatching my laptop and phone from my hand and putting the plate of sandwiches instead.

"Yes now, Blaze there's no rush." She concluded.

I glared at her.

"Not working on me, I'm not one of your guards." Greta said.

Of course.

I decided not to waste time and eat instead.

She just stood there, patiently.

"You realise you can sit, right?" I asked.

She gave me a small smile and sat down a little further from me.

I have respect for very few people and Greta is one of them, I'm equally greatful to her. She's been loyal to me for ages and been more than faithful to her job.

And the fact that she's taken care of you more than your actual family ever did?

Nobody has taken care of me but, myself.

"Blaze?" She called out.

I looked at her puzzled.

"You remember how once you and Oli-" she stopped herself.

My hands froze on the plate.

I was silent for a few minutes until I looked up to her and said, "I do."

Me and Olivia had just stepped inside our house after the more tiresome day ever. We did not only manage our individual professional lives but had gotten a huge lead on Emmanuel too, for once in forever, we had figured out what was his next step and had our entire mafia working to stop it. I had informed Tyberias to give the men a heads up on what was coming.

After all this we had finally gotten home and crashed on the couch. Good for us, Greta had decided to wait back until we were home. So she walked out the minute she saw us.

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