Chapter 19.

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Blaze's Pov:

I didn't know which feeling was stronger, my anger or fear.

I was furious at how she kept all this to herself and trembling with fear internally for what she had kept on line.

I calmed myself and asked her to continue.

"After I assured him of my deal, he kept an eye on me throughout. There's no way I would've been able to tell any of y'all. I couldn't even tell Danica. I had no choice but to resort to Marcus." She explained.

If confusion had a face I would've been the most epic emoji.

All of our heads turned to him while he begged from his eyes to stop Olivia.

"I had to work with someone who's known Emmanuel for as long as you have." She looked at me and I slowly nodded.

"Going to the core team was out of question, you would've come to know within few seconds. Tyberias was out of my radar too because he works too closely with you. I couldn't involve Danica, Giselle or Joe. That's when I thought of Marcus." She gave him a sympathetic smile.

"As a matter of fact I knew Blaze doesn't trust anyone but I also knew that he won't question Marcus as much because Marcus was assigned to be my guardian. I knew his disappearance wouldn't be noticed for a while atleast. However, it wasn't long before he would realise about Marcus being shady." She said.

My heart was thumping in my chest.

She continued,"When I explained Marcus my whole plan, him being the loyal and selfless guy he is only said, he'd do anything to guard his boss and the throne King."


My jaw clenched in anger and disappointment at myself.

"With that executed our plan. Everything was going as per plan, I even had the stone and was going to put it somewhere safe and hidden but you guys revolted too soon. Anyway, after that, I most definitely had a plan B, but then..." She teared up.

"Your mom died. I swear I had no idea he was planning any of that. I agree I couldn't feel the pain you did but trust me I wasn't feeling it any less. What's worse is, the night of the mass, after you left. Carter got a call from his resources who told us that you were on his radar that night if he didn't get the stone. I had no choice but to take advantage of your vulnerability and buy time for the others to steal the stone and keep it some place safe."

She closed her eyes shut and my heart clenched. For the first time in a very long time, I felt the pain for both of us. Everything both of us lost and the extents we went to, to try and safe it.

"The next thing I know Marcus is on death bed and I couldn't lose one more person and wouldn't want you to lose either." She ended.

Everything after that was silent. I was blank and all I wanted to do was rip someone apart and let my emotions out, for once.


I laid my head back and sighed on my chair.

We returned back to the HQ and decided to give Olivia her space to recover. I obviously tightened the security at the hospital.

However, nothing could change the fact that there was only one person whom she needed security from, me.

The elevators ding brought me out of my trance as I opened my eyes and tilted my head.

Carter walked in with Flora by his side.

My blood instantly boiled seeing the biggest traitors of my life, the biggest betrayal my mafia faced.

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