Chapter 7

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Blaze's pic:

"Mom, my answer won't change." I told my mom, irritated.

"I'm just...I'm just worried, zee." Mom said.

"Stop with that name and, stop worrying, I'm fine." I stated for the 100th time in the past 15 minutes.

This is the longest I've ever spoken to her on call, or in general too. I have no clue when was the last time I had a real conversation with my mom.

Probably before I took over the throne. Ever since, we only ever talk on birthdays or when she calls me to check on me if I'm doing fine, which also happens to be today.

"Okay, fine." She sighed.

I said my goodbyes and disconnected the call.

I was at the HQ at the moment. I was about check some files when someone knocked on the door.


I signalled him to come in.

"You got it?" I asked.

Kade nodded and kept the blue stone in front of me.

Apparently, Olivia took it with her the day she left. I was too drunk to notice anything. She took it with her and kept it for a few days until, one day. She made a sudden visit to Greece and placed it back next to her throne. None knows why.

Kade was one of my spies for a few years until he decided he wanted to do an actual legal job. I obviously released him. I didn't need him all these years until...until I broke up with her.

I needed someone who could always keep an eye on her so that Emmanuel doesn't reach her and she's saf-

I basically need her in my territory so, so I can finally end her.

I knew no one from inside the Mafia could do it, she would come to know in a day. So I hired called in favours from Kade.

He agreed, for old times sake.

When I heard about the stone being back on it's throne. I decided that it's better if I destroy that shit, it's anyway a burden on me.

I knew if she came to know she'd never let me, so I asked Kade to sneak in. Yes, I had to sneak in my own kingdom.

Anyway, now that I have it with me, I'll destroy it today itself.

I spoke to Malia. She'll be here any minute now.

"I owe you one." I told Kade.

He just nodded as we did a firm handshake and left.

I held the stone in my hand.

"You've fucked me over and over again, it's only fair if you're out for good." I said to myself.


We were in one of the most isolated places in New York.

I was once and for all getting rid of this stone.

The whole core team was here and Malia was on her way.

The fact that I had to sneak into my own kingdom for this stone is ridiculous.

Olivia took it with her the night we broke up. I was too wasted to notice anything. She kept it with her for a few days but then secretly flew to Greece and placed it next to her throne for a reason only she's known to. I decided that it's for the better if I just destroy that goddamn stone because it has anyway done no good to me. I am aware of it's consequence but I have nothing to lose anyway. So I sneaked in.

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