Chapter 29.

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Blaze's pov:
It was almost lunch when Shawn knocked at my door. I looked up from my laptop and signalled him to come in. He walked in and sat down opposite me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I've been on field for 5 hours today Blaze, there is no change in their pattern. Emmanuel's playing real smart bro." Shawn said.

After Olivia almost getting kidnapped and Danica's confession, I had asked Shawn to take a field team with him and keep an eye on all of Emmanuel's hideouts. Apparently he's playing smarter than I thought and extremely discreet.

"What's the update on his current location?" I asked.

"Jace is still working on that." He replied.

"Basically, not gotten anywhere then." I sighed.

I had to get rid of Emmanuel as soon as possibly, he's caused too much damage not just to me but everyone around. He took away everything from me once and left me on my own I'm not gonna let him repeat history. All of our investigation is getting us nowhere, everything is resulting at a dead end. I need some direct connect to him, someone who knows him from the inside. I need a fucking mole.

A mole?


I looked at Shawn and he looked at me confused.

"It's time." I said.

"For what?" Shawn asked.

"It's time we visit my dear sister and her dear husband. We're going to Carter's headquarters." I said and stood up.

"What? Blaze the fuck are you thinking?" Shawn questioned.

"I'll explain on the way, let's get going." With that we both walked out and I called Asher on the way.

We all met at the parking lot and made our way to my car. Once we were seated I ignited the engine and got on the road.

I then explained my plan to Shawn and Asher.

"Are you sure he'll budge?" Asher asked.

"He has to, he won't be given much choice." I replied.

"So we're just gonna barge in?" Shawn questioned.

"I mean, we're practically related, he's my sisters husband, it's more like a friendly meet." I said and smirked.

"Look man, Sage is due any moment now, I'm telling you I'm gonna have to rush." Asher said.

I just looked at him and nodded. This is personal matter, don't really have a say in it.

"Aw, daddy duties on point, eh? Can't wait for your kid to pee on you, I'm gonna record that." Shawn teased him.

"Shut it Carson, why don't we talk about your love life? Oh we can't, because you're too much of a loser to tell Danica." Asher said and smirked.

Shawn just glared at him.

Should I say something?


Or not?

Right, just because you don't deserve happiness means nobody else can have a shot at it.


"Talk to her Shawn, figure it out." I said, dryly.

Shawn and Asher both looked at me like I had 2 heads.

"What?" I barked.

"Since when.." Asher started.

"Do you care?" Shawn completed.

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