Chapter 4.

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Olivia's Pov:

I was full on sobbing right now.

Danica had bought the pregnancy tests and I was beyond terrified right now as they were kept right in front of me.

"Liv?" She called out.

I turned and looked at her. There is no way I could utter a single word.

"What if it's positive? what are we gonna do?" She asked while I just stared at the tests.

"Look, I'm not writing to take a decision for your or anything but you do know how Giselle once told us that if the baby is just a small seed, 20 weeks or younger, we can do a proper termination." She said.

"D, I haven't taken a single life till date. Yes, I've tortured people, left them on the verge of dying but never taken a life. There is no fucking way I will take the life of my own baby. If I'm pregnant, I'm keeping this kid and raising it on my own." I said as she sighed and nodded.

"Livvie, we have to tell him." She said.

Fear seeped through my veins.

"No. No D, we-we can't. He can never know. I-I can't. Please, he'll-he'll destroy everything, he'll end everything, please-" She cut me off.

"I understand Livvie, but you need to, too. If there is his baby in your womb, he needs to know. He has all rights to know." She said calmly.

"He'll take the baby away D." I sobbed.

I just nodded my head negatively while tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Olivia, he won't. I know you guys aren't together and things didn't end on a good note but he wouldn't do that." Danica said.

"Before you take the test. We have to inform him that you are taking a test because if we just drop the bomb suddenly, it might cause more damage." She explained while I hesitantly nodded.

She nodded too and took her phone out from jeans pocket.


Blaze's Pov:

"WHERE.ARE.THE.FUCKING.DRUGS?" I whisper-yelled.

"We lost track boss, sorry." Jack replied.

A small amount of drugs were suppose to be shipped to us by the Russians, but these assholes who were suppose to collect them, lost track of it and now it's stolen.

"How?" I asked.

No response.

"HOW?" My voice boomed.

"Boss, I lost track of time." Jack confessed.

"Why?" I asked.

"A-a woman...distracted me." He said.

So, it's not just my woman who's a manipulative cunning bitch. It's in every female's blood.

I looked him dead in the eye and said.

"Tyberias, make sure he has nothing left to ever make a woman distract him."

I stood and walked out of the cellar as I heard jack's screams.

Agreed, it was a small amount of drugs that could've easily been stolen by any low-life thug too but that doesn't change the fact that it was my property and I didn't get it safely.

Besides, I'll have to pay the Russians extra now.

"It was a small amount. A little warning to him would've sufficed." Asher said as we were headed towards my cabin.

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