Chapter 11.

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Olivia's Pov:
I put the keys in our keyhole of our apartment as me and Danica walked in followed by Giselle and Joe.

We all settled down and I kept the blue stone in front of us.

"Livvie, there is no way you get to keep this here and you should literally be on the run now." Giselle said.

"I'm originally a model Giselle, I can't run." I said.

"If you don't Blaze will most definitely kill you and when I say kill it won't be like barging into this apartment and shooting you, no. We all know Blaze, he will torture you in the worse possible way and then kill you and-" I cut her off.

"He can try whatever he wants, he can't kill me." I said.

"If you want I can take the stone and put it somewhere safe." Joe suggested.

"Thanks joe but no, I'll manage." I gave him a small smile.

"Both of y'all please return to your normal routine. Me and Danica will manage here on, thankyou for the help." I said.

"Y'all are both my girls Livvie, I'm always here for you." Giselle said and walked out.

"I'm not sure if that makes me a father figure Olivia but y'all have my bar's alcohol in your system so I guess that counts for something, eh?" He asked and we both chuckled.

Joe stood up and walked towards the door as he turned towards us one last time and said.

"Be safe kids, this ain't no game."
With that Joe walked out.

"Do you care to explain since when did we become team Emmanuel?" Danica asked.


"We've always been team Emmanuel." I said.

"Bullshit Livvie!" She retorted.

"I know something is up and I know you won't tell me shit but just know that you're proving Blaze's fucked up theory true about you. You've actually betrayed him?" She asked.

I stood up and looked her in the eye.

"I did what I had to. My loyalties lie only to one person." With that I walked inside my room.

Once I shut the door, I played some music on my speaker so Danica wouldn't figure out what I speak on call.

I took my phone out and pressed call back on the number that left me a missed call.

"Did y'all make it safely?" He asked.

"We did, thankyou for the help." I thanked.

"This is my responsibility Queen. Boss entrusted me with you." He stated.

"Marcus, Blaze will sooner or later found of your betrayal. I suggest you be prepared." I said.

"I will, thankyou." He said.

With that we said our goodbyes and disconnected the call.

I kept my phone aside and kept the stone on my window as I saw the sunset.

The last rays of the sun fell on the stone and it reflected a beautiful shade of blue mixed with light yellow and dark orange. It looked surreal.

Every sunset marks the end of a day. It makes us realise that today is over and however it was, tomorrow would be better but, I know that my tomorrow's for a very long time weren't going to be anywhere close to better.

I know that tomorrow, might be the day I'd be dead.

I know that tomorrow, might be the day I fuck up this whole thing.

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