Chapter 23

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Blaze's pov:
She looked beautiful, she looked carefree, almost as if she was...happy?
Was she though?
"Blaze, let's not waste another minute here. She wanted to ramp it's done now." Shawn brought me out of my thoughts.
"She can have a few minutes to herself and her fans Shawn." I said, sipping my drink.
"Blaze-" I cut him off.
"This isn't up for discussion." I gulped my drink and stood up to go backstage.
As much as I wanted Olivia to have her moment and give time to the people who loved her, I couldn't afford risking her life leaving her alone for too long.
Emmanuel's little stunt had left all of us a bit scared. All of us just wanted to get over with this night as fast as possible without anyone getting hurt. Olivia had argued with me over an hour to not let the guards or Marcus hover anywhere around the backstage or her vanity. She just wouldn't understand the severity of this. Nevertheless, I didn't have much choice and so I let her have the backstage to herself and Danica said she would be there. Other than that, I made sure the entire place was heavily guarded. Our men were everywhere,

I got closer to the backstage and met with the chaos as everyone was wrapping up.
I walked straight till I got closer to her personalised vanity. I knocked on the door only to be greeted by silence.
I knocked again, the same thing was repeated.
"Olivia?" I called out.
What? Now she won't talk to me?
"Olivia, this ain't the time to play games." I warned.
No response.
Oh fuck it, if she's naked it's not on me. It's nothing I've never seen before.
I barged in, kicking the door open.
Everything was disorganised. The different colour palettes which I'm assuming were makeup are destroyed. Bulbs of the vanity are broken and clothes are torn and thrown apart, and her phone lying there.
This by far, is not how Olivia keeps her place, something was up.
Fuck, Emmanuel got to her. He fucking-
I didn't waste another second and called Marcus.
"Boss?" He asked.
"Tell me you have an eye on her." I spoke rushing out.
"What? No, of course not. You ordered me to not hover around backstage or near her vanity." He said.
Fuck fuck fuck.
So much for giving her, her moment.
I cut the call and walked outside. I saw the guys and Stacey there.
"Where is she?!?!" I roared.
All of them looked as amused as me.
"She's not in-" I cut Asher off.
"No, I checked there and it's destroyed." I said whilst messing my hair.
"Oh my god." Stacey whispered.
"How is it even possible, Blaze? She was on the stage and the next minute you went to check on her and she wasn't there?" Ash questioned.
"Hell, if I knew I wouldn't be standing here Ash!" I yelled.
"Call her PA." Shawn suggested and I was already dialing her number.
It took around 3 rings before she picked up,"Mr.Knight?" She asked.
"Is Olivia with you?" I asked hurriedly.
"No sir, I thought-" I disconnected the call the minute I heard 'no'
"NO!" I yelled frustratedly.
"I'll ask Jace to track her phone." Stacey said.
"You can't her phone is with me." I replied.
"Hold up, wasn't Danica with her backstage?" Asher asked.
Fuck yes, of course she was.
"I'll call her."  Stacey said.
Around 2 minutes later Stacey gave us a negative expression.
"I placed a tracker in D' s phone sometime back we can ask jake to track that." Shawn said whilst calling jake.
I walked away from them as I was quite literally losing my mind. I knew I should've never listened to her. I should've been with her backstage or let Marcus be there. Out of all the times today I chose to listen to her when I was warned. Emmanuel warned me and yet I chose to listen to her. I should've just fought her and forced her to let my men stay. What was the worse that could happen? She wouldn't speak to me? Slap me? She's already been doing that but at least I'd know she was safe and okay.

"Blaze!" Shawn called.
I turned and walked toward them.
"Blaze something is terribly up, Danica either took out the tracker or found a way to switch it off. We can't trace her." Shawn explained.
I balled my fists ready to break anyone's face that came in front of me.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out immediately.
"Marcus?" I said, coldly.
"Boss, our men caught Danica leaving with her car, she looked very tensed, and shortly another car following her. Something is suspicious, why would she leave without the queen?" Marcus said.
"Send me the location, I'm on my way." I said and disconnected the call, rushing towards my car as the other followed.
I drove my car at a speed of 150. Thankfully the road I was on was empty and one way.
As I followed the location on my phone I realised this way led to the jungle, the same jungle me and Liv would go to.
Why is Danica here?
More importantly, why did she just escape like that?
Whatever this was, I had a really bad feeling about this. All this while we thought it was only Olivia, if Danica is also as involved in this as her then, we're fucked.

They had moved past the spot where me and Danica would usually halt. They were going deeper in the jungle.
What was Danica upto? Especially with Emmanuel's men trailing her. More importantly why wouldn't she inform me first.
My phone buzzed again.
Shawn calling...
"What?" I barked.
"There's a short cut from ahead, we'll catch up to them faster, you're welcome fucker." He said and disconnected the call.

I saw the slight right in the corner and took it, the lane was narrow but it would get us ahead of them.
For a fact I knew as much as Shawn hated Olivia for everything he loved her best friend, yes the fucker loved Danica.
I sped my car faster in the narrow lane not bothering about the damage I'm causing and the 1000$ bill i was going to pay.
Within 10 minutes we were back on the main road and I took a swift turn and stopped right in front of Danica's car. She had no choice but to press on the breaks or she and I both would've been dead.

I stepped out of the car but she didn't, in fact she had a gun pointed to Olivia's head, a very unconscious Olivia. The minute I saw that I froze on the spot.
She took her phone out and called someone. I felt my phone buzz to see that someone was me.
"Danica what the fu-" she cut me off.
"Blaze, you have to understand I never wanted this, but I have to, I don't have a choice." She whimpered.
"What are you saying Danica this is your best friend." I yelled.
"Blaze, the men in the car behind us are Emmanuel's men and they've planted a bomb on me. I have to get Olivia to Emmanuel or we both die right here, right now." She spoke.
"Have you entirely lost your mind?" I roared.
Before she could reply 2 men walked from behind them.
"We've stopped your men, if they try to reach here the girls will die even before their estimated time. Let the cars pass and we can all live peacefully." One of them said.
No car with Olivia and Danica inside is going to pass from here, assholes.
I took out my gun and pointed it at them ready to shoot when the other guy took out his phone from which, Emmanuel spoke.
"My man, Blaze!" Emmanuel sounded chirpy as fuck.
"Emmanuel if you don't stop this minute I will burn down your entire empire and spread its ashes in all the corners of the world." I threatened.
"Easy there, whether your girl gets to live another day or die is right now in my hands." He said.
"This is between you and me, let them go." I tried to reason.
"Oh yea? And what am I? The typical hero from an action film? This isn't a joke Blaze, there's a buzzer in one of my guys' hand and the minute the press it the girls inside the car will become ashes and then you can spread them wherever you want, that is, if you live. So, save everyone's time and give me your girl, your men can't reach you anyway and there's nothing else you can do." He spoke.

My breathing was getting heavier, I was out of ideas, panic had taken over me.
"You have 20 seconds to decide Blaze, after that you can say goodbye to your precious Livvie." He said and the line went dead.

This can't be happening, this isn't how she gets to die. Her life can't be this short.

I slowly tried walking to their car.

"Stop trying to play smart." One of his men said.
"I'll pay you triple of what he promised you, just let the girls go." I offered.
They both looked at each other and smirked.
"I think he feeds us just fine, so you better back off or they die." The other guy said.
"Stop! I yelled and ran towards their car.
I had no clue what happened next, all I knew was livvie was in my arms until a big blast happened and all I felt was warmth and fire.

Do we sense a betrayal?


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