Chapter 31.

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Olivia's pov:

I passed through the glass walls of my cabin and reached the door, I used my right palm and pushed it open. I could see Blaze was facing the windows of my cabin that had a mesmerising city view. As if on cue, he turned around, his tall frame now stopping the minimal sunlight from entering the room. His gorgeously sculpted face was right in front of my eyes. However, the charm that could have any woman on his feet was nowhere to be seen, those eyes that held so much danger, so much thrill and endless mystery were gone. Instead, they were filled with restlessness and it was very hard to ignore that he looked a whole lot of miserable in his stance. His gaze on me was so intense, if it could it would actually burn me.

I took a step closer to him, maintaining a safe distance simultaneously. We all know having Blaze Knight too close to oneself isn't very advisable especially if that someone is a female and most definitely not if that female happens to be me. Although, having him at a moderate distance also seems quite useless right now because my skin has already begun to warm up, maybe it's because of the temperature it's quite sunny in New York during afternoons anyway.

I really think it's him though.

Why are you always talking?

Girl, somebody has too, clearly you are too tongue tied right now.

I push these voices away and look at Blaze. I fold my arms as I say, "this is my workspace, not your HQ, you cannot just barge in and demand for something."

He looked slightly guilty, "I apologise for that, but I really needed to talk." Okay since when does he make apologies? Did he have a character development overnight? Or am I deaf? Wait, most importantly why is even here?

"What was so important anyway?" I questioned him. His shoulders tensed as he moved his gaze from my face. He let put a small sigh which was inaudible. Is he nervous? There were now few creases in his forehead too as he balled his palms. If I have ever known anything about Blaze Knight in all my years with him, he is never nervous. I was equally scared and curious.

"Blaze, you need to start talking I was in a very important conference and I had to very abruptly leave only because you decided to behave like a 5 year old and not wait so-" His sudden movement halted my sentence. He swiftly took long strides towards me and within seconds he was dangerously close to me. My heart was back at beating rapidly his left palm slowly came closer to my left cheek and caressed it like a feather. He didn't look into my eyes, instead he kept staring at my lips. We were so close I could hear his heartbeat too and I could make our, it wasn't steady either. The urge to wrap both my hands around his neck was so much that I actually did it. My fingers slowly raked through his silky hair as I forced him to look into my eyes.

The minute his gaze met mine, I saw it. I saw the guilt, I saw the misery, I saw how broken he was. The fire in them had vanished and all I could see was my own reflection, faint as ever. We could feel each other warm breaths as he slowly snuck his right hand on my lower waist, his fingers resting there as he rubs them over my silk top making the goosebumps appear all over my body. His touch was so powerful even though it wasn't directly touching my skin. His fingers stayed there as he grabbed my waist tighter and pushed me closer to him unannounced. A moan that wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place escaped through my mouth. I hated how there were so many layers that kept us from being skin to skin from each other. I've been dying for him to hold me, as pathetic as it sounds, it is true. His nose now touched mine and stayed there for a second before it moved to the right of my cheek and began stroking there lightly making my fingers rake deeper through his hair.

"Blaze, what's wrong?" I whispered in his ears. As much as I loved this moment and wanted to treasure it, I needed to know what was all this about?

"Just let me feel you first." He whispered back in my ear huskily. His tone rough and yet felt so goddamn soft. It was a deadly combination which almost had me choking through my words whilst wanting him to choke me quite literally. His left hand joined his right hand near my waist and it went further below. It had passed the boundary my of waist, moving further as they rest on my ass. My breathing had gotten so heavy and rapid, it was unbearable to keep going. He rubbed my ass in circles, letting his fingers feel like cotton around them. My hands were now on his shoulders, holding on to them. Before I could recollect myself, he squeezed my ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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