Chapter 18

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Olivia's pov:
Why was I surrounded in darkness?

Everything was pitch dark and even though I couldn't see anything I felt such a horrible ache.

I slowly squinted my eyes open as the pain got unbearable, my ache shot up with all the light that fell on my eyes.

It took me few seconds to adapt it and I realised I was in

Weird smell of medicines entered my nostrils and I cringed internally.

I saw a nurse monitoring me as she looked up at me.

"Oh, you're up. That's a good sign!" With that sauntered out.

I was so confused.


Blaze shot me.


Or intentionally.

I don't blame him I've been too much for anyone to bear.

Before I could look anywhere Danica and Giselle rushed while Danica literally jumped on me.

I swear I heard the bed squeak.

"Y-you're cho-choking me." I managed to say.

She pulled off immediately and apologised.

"Oh thank Jesus you're fine, I almost thought I lost you." Giselle cried.

Poor Giselle.

"I'm fine Gis." I assured her.

"Of course she's fine, she has Joe's bars alcohol in her veins, that shit ain't no joke." Joe commented as we all chuckled.

Stacey, Jake and Tyberias were behind them.

"Hey.." Stacey said.

"Hi." I whispered.

Stacey teared up and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry, I-I though we lost you, my heart was beating so fast, Livvie." She sobbed and I patted her back lightly.

"It's fine Stace, I'm fine!" I cheered her.

I heard some commotion outside before Blaze ran inside.

My heart almost stopped beating again when I saw the concern and fear on his face.

Concern and fear of losing me.

Asher and Shawn ran towards me before he could.

"Are you okay?" They asked together while I just nodded.

The doctor stepped in and checked my pulse and monitored me again.

He told me everything was fine and I was stable but there was a lot of weakness, he then called Blaze outside to talk something in private and I made a mental note to ask him what it was about.

Carter and Flora walked in next as Carter stood on my left.

"You scared us." He said, softly.

"Still don't see why you're here." Asher stated.

Okay I didn't know all of them hated him and Flora.

"I've known her way before all of y'all have, besides it's your boss who shot her. You guys are the last people who should be around her." Carter spilled.

"Honestly Carter, this won't change how much of an asshole you are and it also won't change that Flora you, you're a traitor." Shawn spoke up.

"That's enough, y'all are adding to my headache." I said and they all shut up immediately.

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