Chapter 25

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Olivia's pov:
Why was everything so dark? And why was everything hurting?
I squinted my eyes open, adjusting to the light. The bright light was just adding on to my pounding head. I lightly massaged my head trying to minimise the pain.
I realised I was in a room, on the bed. I tried taking support of the bed getting up and noticed a girl standing in room, very creepily might I add. My body had no energy to fight her anyway, so wherever the fuck I was, I was surely gonna die.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked.

Just because I was weak didn't mean I was gonna be calm about this.

"Queen, you're awake, I shall inform boss." She said and left the room.


I was in-no.


Danica. She drugged me. She fucking drugged me.

But why?

Before I could think any further, the door to my room opened, enter Blaze, a very...lost Blaze? And Shawn with an Asher, followed by Stacey and Jace who were tailed by Marcus and Tyberias and lastly, woman of the hour, my bestfriend.
Who was held down by two other guards.

What the fuck was going on.

"W-what's going on?" I asked, with a dry throat.

Blaze walked towards me and offered me a bottle of water. I looked at him questionably but took it nonetheless because I needed it.

I opened the lid of the bottle and drowned down the entire bottle.

"Now someone, please explain." I repeated.

All of them just looked at each other, confused what to say. I was getting annoyed now.

I looked at Blaze and said, "I think I deserve to know whatever the fuck is happening."

"I think, only Danica can explain this." He said.

"Of course, c'mon D, enlighten me that why the fuck would you drug me." I retorted.

D didn't respond, instead she just looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Jesus, would you please say something?" I asked.

"I did it because Emmanuel asked me to." She replied.


"I-what? And since when do we take orders from him?" I interrogated.

"I had to, I didn't have a choice, he asked me to do it and I did it." She replied, dryly.

I was trying to take in whatever she said, why would she even do this? She didn't do this Did she?
But she betrayed me? For money?

"You always had a choice." I said and looked at Blaze.

"Livvie, I didn't okay?" She whispered.

"Why the fuck not, I was as good as dead Danica." I raised my voice.



Emmanuel's twin sister. Emmanuel has a sister, a living family?

"I-wait-what? Twin sister? Emmanuel? The fuck?" I was lost.

She sighed and looked at me.

"Yes, twin sister. I'm not Danica Kerrington, I'm Danica King, Emmanuel's only living family other than our younger sister Ellie-" I cut re off.

"There is another one?!?!" I yelled.

"Hear me out, you're the one who's being all dramatic over this!" She said.

"Drop the fucking attitude, you almost let her die." Blaze gritted.

"Shut up!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me weirdly.

"I was 10, Ellie 5 and Emmanuel was 15 when he realised that he wanted the blue stone. He knew the power it held, he wanted it, he wanted the power, he knew he could never inherit it as it would naturally always go down to Blaze. The only other option was to steal it, but the stone was always guarded, by the Knights or in their entrusted ones, it was almost impossible to steal it. Our father, he was no better than Emmanuel, he wanted the stone too. Father and Emmanuel always had a plan of stealing it and then divide the power, only father never knew that Emmanuel planned on running away with the stone and have the power all to himself. When fathers plan of stealing the stone failed, Emmanuel was furious, he and father had a huge fight that night, his plan of having the power to himself too failed and father go to know about it. Emmanuel was always aggressive and psychotic, but that night he crossed all the limits as he picked up our fathers gun from his table and shot him thrice in the head. When our mother saw it she yelled and asked for me and Ellie to run away but we couldn't leave mother, but before we could react Emmanuel put a bullet through her heart too. Yes, he killed our parents. I was too terrified and too young. I picked up Ellie in my arms and ran out of the house, Emmanuel kept following us but I ran as fast as I could and hid under a table in the park with Ellie. Next morning my first instinct was to go to the police obviously, but I was so scared and so young I just couldn't get myself to go there." Danica narrated as a tear made its way down her cheeks.

I was frozen in my spot, my breathing was growing shallow by each passing second. I couldn't believe that Danica was lying to me all this while, she had so much bottled up and she kept it all hidden from me.

"So, me and Ellie, we discreetly ran away, I stole some money from a shop so we could take a bus and go to the furthest place possible from London. I managed to get us to Dunedin in New Zealand. I had never been this far alone, especially not with a 5 year old and very little money. Ellie was clueless and kept asking for mom dad and Emmanuel, if there was anyone in our family that Emmanuel showed remotely some humanity to, it was Ellie, he almost loved her for some reason. Always hated me though, I was the biggest villain in his story because going against in him was always in my nature." She said with a bitter smile.

"Anyway, so, um, after we got down, I walked around a little orphanage. When I entered there and told them I needed a room to stay for myself and my little sister, they obviously started asking a lot of questions. I cooked up a story saying that we ran away from a small village as our father was a drunkard and would beat us. They insisted on helping us by contacting the police but I begged them not to and convinced them to let us stay. Since then, we started living there, I gave myself a new identity by changing my surname altogether. The people there were really nice, they took care of our education, food, lifestyle everything. We almost started living a new life. I told Ellie that mom dad and Emmanuel were dead. I didn't explain much I just told her they were dead and that I would be there for her, always. She cried a lot to me that night but eventually got back in track too, she loved a life as a 5 year old without worrying. She had friends and great education and I was her family. I made sure she was safe and protected. As I grew up and finished my high school, I was offered a scholarship in New York's biggest university, the same university where I met Olivia." She looked at me and smiled.

All of us were quiet. Nobody knew what was to be said or how to react. I was numb at this point.

Blaze was still stoic.

However, if there was one person who felt her pain more than me, it was Shawn.

Shawn felt her pain, I could see it on his face.

This was going to be a long conversation and all of us were determined to know how it ends.

Surprise kids;)


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