Chapter 15.

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Olivia's Pov:

"Talk to me Blaze." I insisted.

He was still looking towards the seed he planted. I didn't get any reply other than a bitter smirk.

"What do you wanna talk about?" The coldness bothered me too much.

We've been here for the past half an hour and he hasn't said a word. I know there is so much inside him that he needs to let out. Bottling it all in is just not healthy, especially for someone like him.

"Whatever you're feeling." I replied.

He looked into my eyes slowly. They were sad and broken, almost as if there was no soul in there.

"The last time I spoke to mom, she showed me some pictures. Pictures of her and me, a whole album. Something I never knew existed. Olivia, I saw every picture in that album carefully. In every picture, I had grumpy face and she always had her happy face as if she adored my grumpy face too. In that moment, I didn't really know how to react to that but now...when she's not here, when she's gone I realised." He stopped for a second and closed his eyes.

He looked so vulnerable, as if all he wanted was for wanting just few seconds of peace and silence.

He opened his eyes and said, "I realised that maybe, maybe I was wrong. All these years I was wrong. I kept blaming her for not having the love of a family and kept blaming dad for taking away family from me. It never occurred to me that perhaps, she did love me, genuinely. She did want me to have all the happiness of the world. She tried her best to give me the all the love I was missing out on. It was me, I turned myself into this person that everything she did seemed wrong and selfish to me." He looked up at the stars and left a sigh.

"Only if I had told her before," Tears slipped from his eyes as he held back a sob.

I've never seen him this way before.

"That, mom, I'm sorry." With that, he broke down.

Slumped shoulders, defeated eyes, Heart shattered.

I immediately held him and rubbed his back as sobs left from my mouth.

"I'm sorry and, t-thankyou. Thankyou for every fucking thing." He whispered.

He hugged me back as we both mourned his mom. Someone who loved him unconditionally, for who he was.

We stayed like that for good 15 minutes until Blaze was stable again.

As we separated, he put on his stoic face back.

"She left me a note before-before she died. She said that she believed I'll be able to live the life I always wanted and she imagined. A life where forgiving would be easier than to hold grudges." He stated.

I intertwined our fingers together and he let me, in that moment, I felt the warmth on a chilled night. Warmth that engulfed me and drowned me into it.

"If a parallel universe does exists, then that's where this life exists but, in this universe, if there is anyone who needs to forgive me, then I really hope it's mom. That's where I start my path of forgiveness." He shifted in his place.

Something feels different.

Yea, the bitch move your about to pull when he's grieving his mom.

I can't waste time.

I move closer to him and wrap my palms around his neck as I make him face me.

"All she wants for you is happiness Blaze, she wanted you to be at peace." I whispered.

His Path Of Forgiveness Where stories live. Discover now