Chapter 9.

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Olivia's pov:

I was still recovering from the shock of Blaze Knight barging into my house.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

He walked to my bed and made himself comfy.

Oh hell naw, get up.

"I just said, I'm here to give you your gifts." He said.

"I don't want any gifts, just leave, now." I ordered.

He smirked and looked at me.

"Too bad, you will have to take my gifts." He said, calmly.

Blaze and calm weren't a very good combination.

"Besides, it's Christmas, aren't we suppose to have fun?" He stood up.

"No, we don't now leave." I tried again.

"Why not? oh-Oh hold up- you don't, oh yea! you don't fuck the same people again, do you?" His tone was dripping venom.

That one statement stabbed me right in the heart.

Blaze-1 Olivia-0

"Blaze. Please, leave." I requested.

He walked closer to me.

I tried to move back but he won't stop walking closer to me.

My back hit the wall leaving me no choice but to stop. He was close to me, too close for either of our good.

"Blaze, seriously what do you want?" I looked him in the eye with all seriousness.

"I want lay your soul for me, can you do that?" He asked coldly while I saw his shattered soul in his eyes.

Did I actually do this? did I really shatter him?

No, NO! I did absolutely nothing.

"If I lay my soul I will make sure yours lie right next to me." I replied, calmly.

I pulled him closer by his collar and whispered.

"After all, you have left scars on me that I can never take off. You destroyed me and broke me entirely. There is no fucking way I would settle down without making our scores equal. If my soul is the cost of your revenge then yours is cost of mine."

With that, I pushed him away and I saw a fire burning through his eyes. A fire of hatred.

I was about to step out of my room when he said something that made me shiver with fear.

"Well, if it's not your soul, it will definitely be someones that you dearly love."

I swiftly took my dagger out of my shoes and shot it in his direction aiming for the head.

Of course if I had fast reflex, Blaze was faster. I knew I'd miss it but I had to do it for my satisfaction.

He bent down the minute he saw me moving.

"I swear to god Blaze if anyone close to me gets hurt I will not miss it next time. I will literally tear you apart and burn your skin." I gritted.

"Looking forward to it." He said and left the room.

He stepped down and I fell to the floor.

No matter how much I tried I would always end up crying over him.


I walked down after getting myself together.

To my surprise, Blaze and his guys were still there.

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