Chapter 30.

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Blaze's pov:
It was a video of the time when Olivia had gone to Paris for a shoot. Right before our big fight. She was dressed up in some fancy dress while some guy, who I'm assuming is the photographer assigned for that shoot was snapping her perfect poses. They were chit-chatting and laughing throughout.

I heard her laugh.

"It's been fun." She said.


"Really? how was last night then?" Some man asked.

"I don't think I need to explain that to you out of all people." She said and laughed again.

What happened last night? who's this guy?

"Livvie, I had the best time last night. It felt right." He said while I heard the click of a camera.

"I'm glad you did, honestly, I enjoyed it too, it was very special for me." She said.

Okay first of all what night ? second of all why the fuck is he calling her livvie?

"Tell me you wanna do it again." The man said.

"Of course I do." Livvie said.


"When do you plan on telling Blaze though? I think you've played enough with him." The guy said.

My heartbeat was rising by now.

"Never, he doesn't need to know." She said.

Alright seriously what?

"Whatever you say. I think we're done for today, I hope I get to see you one last time before you leave?" The guy said.

"Of course, our place? 7pm?" She asked.

"Done." He said.

They have a place together?

Flashback ends.

"What are you trying to prove?" I asked Carter.

"You remember some man spoke to you? After you heard all of this?" Carter asked.

I nodded my head to which he replied.

"That was Aiden, Blaze."


The Aiden from the fundraiser? Why would he-

"Aiden and Olivia were in the same college. Olivia might have been around 16-17 back then. Aiden had always liked her. He would always compliment her, help her and get her gifts. Olivia would never accept his gifts but always thanked him for the compliments and stuff. All of us thought it wasn't a big deal, it was just a tiny crush. Until one day he confessed to her and Olivia politely declined. Aiden's ego was bruised and he couldn't stand the fact that Olivia rejected him. Livvie always had other male friends, she was everyone's favourite and everyone loved being around her. Aiden's jealousy grew and his liking turned into obsession. He decided that Olivia deserved to be taught a lesson for what she did to him. So, one day, he released a video. A sex tape. It showed Aiden engaging in intercourse with some woman who's face he very comfortably replaced with Olivia's. It looked so real people weren't ready to accept that the video was tampered." Carter explained.

I could feel my blood boiling, my pulse fastened and jaw clenched.

"Livvie always had major anxiety issues but that incident? That took her anxiety to a whole new level. Aiden spoilt the rest of her college life. No doubt uncle took care of it and we made sure he couldn't move from the hospital bed for months. Even though we never saw him in college after that, Olivia would always be a little off the hook. Faintest of the touches startled her. When college ended and she came to New York, thing's completely changed for her. The way the underworld described "shadow" had gotten me convinced that this is Livvie. Of course she had her reasons but she made sure that, not only any man but also any human in general would never cause her any harm."

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