Chapter 2.

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Blaze's Pov:

I squirmed uncomfortably, wherever I was lying. I could feel something burning on my skin, my eyes if we're being specific.

I opened my eyes only to shut them faster. A very bright light greeted me, also called as the sun.

After a lot of opening and closing of eyes I finally got use to it and opened them properly only to be greeted by another painful pain. My head was pounding, hammering even. I realised i was on the bar stool.

No doubt everything is hurting.

When I took in my surroundings, it hit me, like a fucking truck.


Most painful 24 hours of my life. Every memory of last night started playing repeatedly in my head.

Where is she?

I swear to god, I have to sort this out with her. This has gone far too ahead. I know I'm not wrong and she better accept that.

I slowly walked my way out of the mess that was once our living room and headed straight to our room. I opened the door and walked in.

"Olivia." My voice boomed.

No answer.

I walked further and looked into the room.

She isn-


She actually left.





I took a deep breath and walked to our closet. I saw all her clothes were as it is.

There is no way she'd just leave like that right? She's probably as angry as me right now. I know I agreed to the breakup but I was drunk and...

You never lose control of yourself when you're drunk. Accept it jackass, you knew she was leaving and you let her because of your big fat ego.

I slumped down on the bed and left a deep sigh.

Suddenly my phone dinged.

Olivia White makes a last minute entrance for the MFW as we spot her landing on the Milan airport, surprising us all! fans can't behold to finally see their favourite girl ruling the whole show!

My phone fell down from my grip.

I wasn't sad about the fact that she chose MFW over me. I was terrified that this was actually...over.

Meaning she actually cheated? She never justified, so she actually...? She never cared?

I could feel the same anger seeping through my veins. That feeling of vengeance was now becoming familiar to me.

Afterall, the world was right. She wasn't mine to keep...hell she wasn't anyone's to keep.

Olivia White was far from an angel...she was and has been the devil in disguise. She-devil who manipulated me into her own little hell.

Now, it's my turn, her soul will burn in my halls.


After calming down a bit I headed downstairs to leave for the HQ. I saw Greta standing in the living room and staring at it in horror.

"Please tell me it's not what I think it is Blaze." She spoke, with fear.

Greta knew about the situation because I practically, semi-destroyed the living room before Olivia stepped in. Which makes, Greta the first person to know.

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