Chapter 24

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Blaze's pov:
My head was pounding and I felt something heavy on my right. I squinted my eyes open adjusting to the surrounding as everything was too blur. I looked at my right to see what was the weight only to see Olivia, unconscious. I could feel her chest rise and drop meaning she was breathing just not in her senses.

A flashback of what happened few minutes back came to my mind. I carefully sat up making sure Olivia wasn't hurt. I looked straight only to see Danica's car burning, the fire almost on its last flames. Emmanuel's two guys who should've been flames too were dead but, blood was oozing out from their head as they laid dead.


Someone shot them?

"Like I said, you're welcome, fucker." I turned around to see Shawn standing, lending me his hand. '

I looked at him and took his support standing up whilst carrying Olivia in my arms.

"It did work then?" I asked.

"Pretty much, the others did a decent job in distracting Emmanuel's men." Shawn said, pulling out a cigarette and lighter from his pocket and then lighting it up.

I sighed and asked, "where is Danica?"

His body tensed up a bit, as he took a drag.

"I sedated her." He explained and I nodded.

I drove like a madman from the narrow lane which was supposedly a short cut, when my phone buzzed again.

Shawn calling...

"Yea Shawn?" I asked, a bit annoyed.

"Listen, Emmanuel has his men everywhere, I spotted a few hiding in the bushes, he's planned something big, get out of here as soon as possible and buy time to keep the girls save. We'll distract his men here and I'll reach to you as soon as possible." He said.

"Alright." I agreed and disconnected the call.

I threw my phone aside and drove towards the end.

End of flashback.

"Let's get going. Inform Marcus to take care of this...mess." I said and Shawn nodded

We walked towards our respective cars. I opened the door of my cars passenger seat and carefully placed Olivia inside. Once I was sure she was comfortably placed I walked to the drivers seat and got in. I put the keys into the ignition as the engine ignited, I pulled the gear back and made a turn as we left this nightmare of a place while Shawn's car followed right behind.

We got the girls to the HQ where the doctors were waiting to check for any external wounds. Once the doctors told us everything was fine we all left for the safe house. Once we reached I placed Olivia on the bed an walked outside the room, keeping my guards outside and one female guard inside.

I walked downstairs to see Stacey, Jace, Asher, Sage, Marcus and Tyberias all seated down.

"Where are Shawn and Danica?" I asked.

"He's well- um..." Asher hesitated.

"What? Where are they?" I questioned again.

"In the guest bedroom, go see for yourself." Ash said.

I gave him a confused look and walked to the guest bedroom. I knocked and opened the door. What I saw, shook me, a bit.

Shawn had placed Danica on a chair and he was tying her hands and legs, to the chair. Yes, he was actually tying her unconscious state to the chair. I was not sure what was I to do about Danica, her betrayal feels weird to me, it will sure as hell break Olivia.

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