Chapter 6.

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Olivia's Pov:

1 year later

"Jesus Livvie, are you coming or what?" I heard D.

"Patience lady, I'm coming." I said.

I gave myself one last look in the mirror.

I saw a girl. A girl with shoulder length short purple hair. A who had just pierced her eyebrows and put her septum piercing back from when she was in college.

This girl looked fearless. She looked badass and carefree. Except for her eyes, they were still the same, sad and broken.

In the past one year a lot of things changed.

I prepared non-stop for the MFW, which by the way was a success, we wrapped it up last week. Other than that, since we were in Italy, Milan if we're being specific...we were bound to get into trouble. Not much though, a little shit here and there. Two feared assassins in a new territory, it's kinda scary so we saw this coming.

Since we moved out of the place MFW offered us. We shifted to an apartment. Not so coincidentally the apartment came under Dante Accardi's territory.

Of course we received few threats here and there, which later when I met Dante, he claimed he didn't know that the person being threatened was me. Obviously, once he came to know it was me, I was welcomed.

Dante even offered me to stay in his big as fuck mansion which I'm sure I'd get lost in everyday. I declined, don't worry.

Because, 1. I had to move in and out everyday, I couldn't afford getting lost in it and waste time.

2. it would have given a lot of uncalled footage to me.

3. He who shan't be named would be very pissed at me.

Which also reminds me, he who shan't be named hasn't either told the members of our situation or they're just pretending to play nice which is not a very likely behaviour from any mafia's side.

Other than that, life has been oddly...sad.

Few days after I got settled in Italy the news got out of mine and his breakup. Thankfully I wasn't in America. The paps would be under my skin all the time.

Dad went into all murder zone when I told him and mom the real story. Mom said she'd take of it and asked me to not worry. Few days later mom came to Italy, worried. She didn't get dad because apparently he would go into his protective zone and wouldn't have let me work in peace which is 100% true.

Obviously, I cried non-stop for 2 days to her, about everything. Every single thing. Was it overwhelming? yes. Did I feel good? also yes.

It's been a year and I look amazing from the outside, but I know I've grown miserable with every passing day. I waited, waited everyday..that maybe he'd realise that what happened was wrong and turn back, like he always did.

Guess not.

Guess it's his ego over our love.

"Livvie I swear to-" I heard Dan and ran out immediately.

"Jesus, I'm here, let's go." I said as we stepped out of our apartment.

It was Friday today. 6 in the evening. We stepped out to get some groceries and some beer for the night.

Now that I was done with MFW, I was suppose to resume a lot of work, which meant going back to New York.

I am terrified to go back.

We were walking on the streets as Danica was gushing about this place where she had pizza the other day with her date, who by the way she didn't meet after that day.

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