Chapter 27

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Olivia's pov:
I opened the door to our apartment as we wished Giselle goodnight. I stepped in and placed the keys in their usual drawer and walked towards the kitchen as I was thirsty, I drank some water from a bottle kept nearby and took a deep breath.

Should I talk to her?

I don't know, is it the right time?

I walked outside with the bottle and D was placing her shoes in the shoe rack. She looked at me and stood there awkwardly.

"Good night, I guess?" She asked.

I just half smiled and nodded and she turned and went inside her room.

Maybe not today.

With that even I walked into my room. I changed and got into bed, checked my mails and messages, replied to the important ones and then switched off the light.

Maybe I'll get some peaceful sleep today.

I can't sleep.

It's been 2 hours and I've been tossing and turning in the bed, it's 3 in the midnight.

There's this constant feeling in my heart that something isn't right, I feel uneasy.

You're fine, you just need to talk to your bestfriend.

Yea, she isn't entirely guilty, she did what she had to do and I can't stay mad at her for protecting her own blood before me, let's be honest even I'd do that, in a heartbeat. Unfortunately we aren't living in a movie where you're given a choice but in the end you get all of it, because it's a movie and it needs a happily ever after. This is reality, there's no choice given here, the choice has to be made, and not always those choices are good ones.

I stepped out of my bed and walked out of my room. I heard faint voices from Danica's room. I mostly heard keeping up with the Kardashians so I just barged into her room. She was still in her oversized t-shirt, wrapped inside her blanket and watching KUWTK on her laptop. She looked at me for a minute or two and silently shifted inside, making space for me. Without uttering a word I walked towards her bed and stepped inside as she placed her laptop in between and we silently watched an episode of KUWTK. God knew we deserved one episode full of drama which we weren't a part of.

After that episode was done D suddenly said, "I'm hungry do you wanna order Pizza?"

"Why is that even a question at this point?" I asked and she was about to dial our favourite pizza places number when I stopped her.

"Hold up, I'll ask Marcus to do it, he said to let him know if we need anything. This is our need." I said and she smirked.

I took my phone and called Marcus.

"Everything good, Queen?" He asked.

"Positive, I needed something though." I said.

"Tell me?" He asked.

"Me and Dan are hungry and we want pizza from this place called 'Pizza punks' that's downtown, now." I told him.

"Ohh..Kay? I'll order it then..?" He asked more to himself than me.

"Yep." I said and disconnected the call.

"Dude we sound like 10 year olds who asked for pizza at midnight to our babysitter bodyguard." Danica laughed.

"I mean, he is kind of a babysitter." I justified and chuckled.

"Yea, feels good to at least...imagine how a normal 10 year olds live would be." She said and gave me a small smile.

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