Chapter 12.

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Blaze's Pov:
"Arrange a meeting with Acardi and let me know asap." I ordered as I disconnected the call and got out of my car.

After the stunt Olivia pulled off yesterday I was restless. The questions swirling in my head were giving me a headache.

How did Olivia get inside the HQ? There is no way she could get in with the amount of security at the HQ unless-

Unless someone from the inside helped her. There is a mole and I need to find him/her and end them.

Betrayal is something I won't tolerate.

I made an impromptu decision today morning of heading to their apartment and take the stone back.

For a fact I knew she would never give to anyone or keep it at a place which is not under her surveillance. It had to be in the apartment.

The whole drive to her place I kept thinking of all the possible places she could hide it and I made sure to check those places by myself except for Danica's room.

Shawn didn't pretty much approve of me stepping in her room. Not that I needed his approval I'm the boss and I call the shots but if I were in his place I wouldn't let him step into Olivia's room either so I let him have that.

After everything we didn't find anything and then, a foul smell spread across the room. It wasn't very prominent but enough for me to know something living and breathing was dead.

I've seen death and felt the dead close to me like no one else. It didn't take me long to realise it was the fishtank.

I got the stone and walked out of her house.

However, I had to now hide it somewhere, where I know she can't reach.

With a heart full of hate for Dante I decided to take his help.

Son you asked for help, seriously.

Yea whatever, that's not the point.

There's a very strong chance him and I could come up with some plan or he could take it into his territory for a while.

Don't get me wrong, but it's hard to trust the entire TBM. After all we're all mobs and we're hungry for power and money.

We have our ways with money but power? Power is something for which a lot of sacrifices and risky decisions are to be made.

However, I know Dante would never try to take that power from me because,

1. It'll hurt his ego to steal power from not only me but anyone.

2. It will destroy his ego if he steals it from me because he'll stoop too low.

3. Well, I mean he's an asshole who has really big brains and talk the practical and safe stuff while I'm someone who functions on danger and risk, he basically gets on my nerves all the goddamn time but...he-he's um, he's someone I'd trust with all my guts.

There, said it.

With all these thoughts I stepped inside the house only to

"Mom?" I called out.

She turned and walked towards me.

"You're home! Oh thank god you're safe!" She said and hugged me like there was no tomorrow.

Now here's the thing, I'm not a mama's boy nor am I daddy's guy. Either of them showing affection to me would surprise me because,

A. Flora is the favourite kid and I'm the trash kid so kids like me after a certain point hate any kind of affection.

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