Chapter 3.

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Olivia's Pov:

We just sat down in the car sent by the team of MFW after greeting the crowd and the flashes of camera's that were held by some really excited paps.

I'm sure the news is out to the world by now.

Within 2 hours of calling Belle, she arranged everything. By 6:30 we had left for the airport. I was nervous as hell but D and belle made things easier for me. I boarded my flight at 7:30.

This by far is the most impulsive decision I've ever made.

Blaze did leave his mark on me after all.


Everyone including him by now must've realised I've left. I wonder if he remembers anything from last night.

Does he regret it?
Does he wanna apologise?
Would he want me back?

Wow, since when did I turn so pathetic?

I tried to take my mind odd him while I saw the familiar streets of Milan passing by. I remember the first time I came to Milan was for a shoot. Second time, with Blaze.

His whole situation with Dante still makes me laugh. The way that guy can have a rivalry with any random person for absolutely no reason is actually pretty hilarious. Then, when I tell him that Dante seems like a good man to me, he'd always make the grumpy face. His ears would turn slightly red whenever he put the grumpy face on it was so cute but he would like one of the dwarfs from snow white and the seven dwarfs to me. The time I told him he looked like a dwarf he put an even grumpier face and I wheezed really hard.

I smiled to myself as a lone tear made it's way out. I wiped it off before anyone could see it.

The only way I would be able to focus on this Fashion show is if I managed to keep Blaze out of my mind.

Which honestly seems impossible because I'm not even lying, you even smell like him.

I sighed and tried to take a nap.


We had just checked in one of the finest hotel in Milan. The CEO of MFW came to greet me ensured that his team will be available anytime of the day for me. I thanked him and he left.

All this while I had switched off my phone to avoid all sorts of notifications. I finally switched it on, only to find some 70 missed calls from dad and 50 from mom. Over 300 texts from both of them and other calls and texts from close family friends. My social media handles were flooding with notifications.

Obviously, I called dad first and he picked up in the first ring.

"Hey-" He cut me off.

"JESUS LIVVIE?!?!" He yelled.

"Yes, hi." I said.

"Why was your phone switched off?" He asked.

"Um, I was kind of avoiding all the notifications?" I said, though it sounded more like a question.

"Well, when were you planning to notify your father that YOU FINALLY GOT THAT E-MAIL FROM MFW AND THAT YOU EVEN ACCEPTED IT AND THAT YOU FLEW DOWN TO MILAN?!?!" He yelled.

"If you would just relax, father." He knows when I use the typical British father word, I want him to relax.

He takes a deep breath and says.

"okay, talk."

"I never told you because I wasn't going to accept it." I said.

"YOU WHAT?" He yelled, again.

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