Chapter 21

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Blaze's pov:

The soft knock on my glass door made me look up from my laptop.

Marcus stood there, waiting for my signal so he could step in.

I nodded my head as he stepped in.

"Boss." He greeted.

I folded my hands and looked at him.

"I just wanted to inform that the queen has safely reached her apartment and we have our 5 most trained men guarding her, making sure she isn't aware of them." Marcus explained.

I just nodded my head.

"I assume that was my last job, I'll take your leave, boss." He said and was about to leave.

"Did I  give an order for you to leave?" I asked.

"No, boss." He replied.

"This is the first time you've disrespected my orders, it better be the last or we both know the consequences." I said, calmly.

"Got it, boss." He nodded.

"Dismissed." I ordered and he left without any questions.

My men have been trained better than this. They know I'd never throw them out, that's not my style instead, I will put a bullet through their skull.

I stood from my chair and lit up my cigarette as I stared outside my glass building from the highest floor.

The entire New York was at my feet. That's all I've ever wanted. I wanted the city.

I was too consumed in wanting the city all to myself that I almost forgot to notice that there was someone else who wanted it as much as me.

Emmanuel King wanted everything I wanted and had.

What Emmanuel didn't know was that the city belonged to me, it was always mine. No one could own it but me and there is absolutely no one who can come in my way. No one.

A knock on the door brought me out of my trance.

"Blaze, it's urgent!" Stacey said, hurriedly.

I threw my cigarette in the trash and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I- actually you know what? Just-just please come with me." She pleaded.

I took my phone and keys and walked out with her while she basically ran towards the elevator.

We stepped inside as soon as it dinged open and Stacey pressed for 20th floor.

"Why are we headed to the conference room?" I asked.

"You'll see." That's all she said.

Do I really need to remind each and everyone about how low I am on patience? Because my people really be testing it on a daily basis.

The ding literally made Stacey run out of the elevator, again. I stepped out next and followed her as she dashed the conference room door open.

There lied the blue stone, in two pieces.


If the blue stone is ever broken it's the end of the queen's era. It's power dies and so the does the queen.


"No! NO! NO! Where is Olivia?" I yell.

"We've tried calling but she isn't picking." Ash said.

"GODDAMN IT GUYS CALL DANICA!" I couldn't stop yelling.

"SHE ISN'T PICKING UP EITHER BLAZE." Shawn yelled this time.

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