Chpater 22

51 3 0

Olivia's pov:
This is all so ridiculous. This isn't the first time Emmanuel has done something stupid to rile up Blaze. I don't see why Blaze is taking such extreme steps.

We were back to the place where it all began.

The safe house.

After 2 long and painful hours of discussing about what happened, our very own mob decided that it's for the best that I live under proper security till the fashion show gets over.

However, what he meant by proper security was living with him.

Yea, he's the proper security.

Of course he is.

I've done nothing but scream and yell like a mad woman all the way here. I tried explaining as calmly as I could that I don't need any fucking security but Blaze never understands anything when it's said nicely and calmly.

He only understands guns, knives, screams and yells.

Yea well, in your case he doesn't understand that either.

I sighed as Blaze parked the car and the engine went off.

We both sat there silently for a second or three.

"Olivia.." he called out.

I looked at him.

"This- none of this, means anything. I'm only doing this because if tomorrow you're dead, my mafia is jeopardised. I lose everything you die. Nobody comes above this mafia, not even you. You're still a traitor and the minute Emmanuel is out of my way, I'll find a way to release you from the stones bound and then.." he stopped as his jaw clenched.

"Then?" I asked.

He looked me in the eye and said, "then you run away as far from me as possible because after that, if I ever see you again, I won't shoot you as a mistake, I will actually rip you apart." With that, he stepped out of the car.

Why? Am I that bad blaze?

"You actually hate me, don't you?" I whispered to myself.

Fresh set of tears that were waiting to burst out were now trickling down my cheeks.

I was trying, was trying very hard to not let anything he said affect me.

I was never meant to be hurt by him, not his words, nothing. He was supposed to protect my heart more than I ever protected it. He was supposed to stand next to me.

"Why can't we start over, Blaze?" I softly sobbed.

Everything hit me like a goddamn truck and I realised that none of this is easy, it will never be.

I took few more deep breaths and wiped my tears.

I took my hand bag and stepped out of the car.

As I walked to the front side of the house, the sea shores greeted me while the sun was saying goodbye. The sky was prettier than usual reminding me that today is almost over and maybe, just maybe tomorrow will be better.

I turned around and walked inside the house.

Memories came flooding back and within seconds, every little thing about the house had me captured in its own small memory.

Nothing had changed. The glasses were still shattered from the day I left. Alcohol was stinking from every corner.

The living room we once shared memories from was shattered into something dreadful.

I walked towards the kitchen only to see takeout boxes everywhere and unwashed dishes. I wonder if the trash can even existed here anymore.

I sighed and walked out as I walked towards the stairs.

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