Chapter 26.

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Danica's Pov:

After everything that I've been through, after all the efforts I put, here I was. Here I was, letting out my whole life to the people who trusted me the most, and I broke their trust.

"When I met Livvie, I had just started a fresh life. A life of my own, I had made sure Ellie was in a safe place with a great family who were taking care of her and weren't really far from me either. It was finally time to keep the past in the past and start fresh. Olivia? She gave my my fresh start, we lived our college life to the fullest. We did crazy shit together, we stayed up late crying over the biggest things and laughing over the littlest happiness. We spend our midnights by sneaking inside clubs and flirting our way to drinks. We dyed our hair crazy and broke all the rules. Before college, having boyfriends was never an option for me because I never had the time or the chance. Coming from a crazy criminal mafia background, every person outside the 4 walls was a threat to me. I swear, there was a point where I was finally ready to share my past with you, Liv." I held back my tears whilst looking at her.

"But then, you told me about the blue stone and how you had promised-" Olivia gave me a worried look.

Right, this is her secret.

"You wanted that stone. You wanted it so bad and you were beyond determined to find it. I was terrified, I didn't want you to know that I'm connected to that stone. I couldn't risk letting you know that Emmanuel wanted it too. I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut, but that didn't stop you. You grew impatient day by day, until one day, the day when we saw the darkest parts of the world, the day when we realised that all those stories and myths of the world of mafias was not a joke, it was real and we saw it. You realised that we'd have to get our hands dirty if we wanted that stone and I supported you because I'd rather you have the stone than Emmanuel. From that day on, you became the shadow and I was just there, watching out for you, helping and protecting you. You were the feared shadow for all mobs but I was your shadow, always will be." I promised her.

"After all this, your career took a rise, you slowly started reaching the top. I got a decently good job and was doing fine but search for the stone was still there. I saw you livvie, you were doing so great. You were literally touching the sky, you were strong, successful and independent, you had fame and money, after seeing all that I had given up all my hope to let you in on my secret because it would've been a threat to your career. I never wanted the fame and the power and popularity, I just wanted a safe and happy life. But after all this too, there was a point where I thought that maybe you deserved to know and I was somewhat ready to tell you too but then..." I looked at Blaze.

"Blaze came into your life like a tornado, I had no time to process anything. Everything happened so fast and before either of us could even blink properly, you had the stone and fuck that, you became the queen to America's most feared mafia. That stone belonged to you. I was beyond scared now. I had seen the hatred my brother had for you and your family Blaze. I was scared that now we had put ourselves at bigger risk. I knew that in no time Emmanuel would come to know that his hold on the stone would now be next to impossible. He'd also know that I'm a part of this and then he'd be after my life too, but that wasn't my concern, I was worried about Ellie. I tried to talk you out of this Olivia, I really did but you couldn't see anything beyond Blaze, you love him too much and I could see it in Blaze's eyes that there was no way he was ever gonna let you now, he had marked himself on you by giving you the power of the stone and the authority of the throne. The only way out of this was death. So I just accepted it, I thought that we'll face whatever Emmanuel will throw at us and I'd make sure Ellie is safe at any cost." I said.

"What changed your mind?" Shawn asked.

"Few hours before Livvie's show, I got a call from Emmanuel asking me to meet him by the alley downtown, where he threatened me that if I don't handover Olivia to him, his next target will be Ellie. In all these years he's never ever even, jokingly threatened to hurt Ellie. Emmanuel is a sociopath, when it comes to his power he won't spare any obstruction in his way. Emmanuel wanted me to make a choice. I love you, Liv, I really do trust me but that little girl? She doesn't have anyone other than me in this world. I'm her blood family, I couldn't give up on her. I was scared and didn't have much time so I made an impulsive decision. However, as much as I love you and care for you I will always choose her because she's literally like my kid. I promised her that she'd always be safe. I did what I had to do, I regret it and it breaks my heart but you have to understand I didn't have a choice. I was also, always too scared that if Livvie ever comes to know it'll be too late and I'd loose her too. She'd never take me back." I said.

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