Chapter 13

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Olivia's Pov:

"As I was saying. There is obviously a lot to consider here but regardless this is how we will carry this on okay? I want none of y'all to miss out on a single day. Re-schedule all the other shoots and give priority to this one, we clear?" My team nodded.

"Alright, show on guys!" With that they all dismissed.

I was in my workspace after what feels like ages. The fact that I almost forget that I live a life as a model too often skips my mind even though it's the one thing that keeps me sane and makes me feel like I am a normal human who works and earns legal money.

After the incident with Blaze the other day, I was quite speechless for a while. My mind didn't function much, I decided maybe it was for the best that I take my mind off that stone and focus on my actual work. As a matter of fact I knew Blaze couldn't destroy it without my presence now.

I sat down on my chair and sipped my coffee as I checked my mails.

I kept my mug down when Danica barged into my office like a storm.

"Jesus, who died?" I asked dramatically.

"Blaze's mom." She said, breathlessly.

The expression on my face changed completely.

"What sort of insensitive joke is that." I hissed.

"Livvie, you really think I'd joke about something like that?" She said.

"W-what? h-how? when? why wasn't I-" I stuttered, tears welled up in my eyes.

"We don't have time for that, I think we should just head to his place." She said hurriedly.

Without giving a second thought I picked up my purse and phone as we rushed out. Within minutes we were in the parking as Danica sat on the drivers seat and I got in the passengers.

She ignited the engine and we hit the road.

By now, I was full on sobbing.

Who did this? why? why her? all she ever wanted was for her kids to love each other. She wanted them to be a happy family.

She was always so worried about Blaze she even made me promise to her that no matter what I'll always be there for him and I broke it, I broke it without thinking.

She asked me to do one thing and I couldn't even do that.

She didn't deserve to die, not now.

My phone rang bringing me back to reality.

Unknown number calling...

This guy has horrible timings.

"What Emmanuel?" I spat out.

"Woah, woah, woah, I wouldn't raise my voice like that if I were you." He said.

"Newsflash, I'm not you, spill." I said.

"Sweetheart, do you wanna explain why would you want to attend Blaze's mother's funeral? I thought y'all were done." He said.

Shit. I completely forgot he has an eye on me.

"Do you also mind explaining how he got the stone back?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and said.

"Just because what Blaze and me had ended doesn't mean I care any less for his mother, she was very generous and kind and most importantly she made me feel like home, I owe this to her. As for the stone, i'll get it back, need not worry." I stated.

"Oh you have to, you'll be the one worrying otherwise." He said.

"How'd you know about the funeral anyway? there's no way Blaze let it out, even the media doesn't know." I asked.

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