Chapter 14.

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Song for the chap: lovely (Billie Eilish, Khalid)

Olivia's Pov:
Been a minute since I sat next to Blaze as he took another sip of his vodka.

"How may I help you?" He asked.

"You have to believe me, Blaze." I said looking down.

He bitter chuckled.

"Believe you? I did try doing that, didn't end very well for me." He said.

He sounded so...broken. So tired and miserable it almost broke my heart.

I tried to hold his hand but he pulled back.

"No-no don't give me your sympathy I don't need it." He warned.

"I'm grieving Blaze and so are you." I explained.

"It's a pattern Olivia, every person I've tried getting closer to you has either given up on me or is taken away from me." He said taking another sip.

"You know that's not true." I whispered.

"You're the only breathing proof of that." He whispered, looking at me.

I was about to say something when his phone rang.

He rolled his eyes and brought it out of his jeans.

As he spoke I noticed all the details about him, new details, details that happened after I left.

His hair had grown longer and were messier than usual indicating he's been frustrated, pissed and disturbed a lot lately.

He wore black jeans with a black shirt that was tucked in till we buried his mom but now it was all out.

His face was sharper than ever, same caramel eyes but there were too many things in them, it was getting hard for him to keep them in now.

"It was um, Ash, they're at Joe's. Flora has kept a small mass or whatever it is they do in church after someone dies  in the evening itself." He said.

I softly nodded as we both stood up as he gave one last glance towards newly planted seed.

We walked towards his car as he got into his and I got into Danica's.

We drove out of the jungle and reached Joe's in 45 minutes.

As we entered I saw that it was surrounded by our people only.

Giselle was there too and she ran towards me the minute she saw me.

I tried so hard to not break down and hold back.

There was no such celebration at Joe's. Blaze's parents don't seem to be like the people who'd want people to be happy or celebrating their life.

Blaze headed straight for the bar and poured himself some whiskey.

Everyone was busy with something except Flora.

She looked lost, very lost.

I walked towards her, expecting a certain kind of reaction but I got the opposite.

She hugged me immediately and broke down. I patted her back lightly and said I'm so sorry for her loss.

It took her a few minutes to stabilise but once she did, she looked me right in the eye and said.

"She loved you, you know? She kept talking about how she felt relieved that there is now someone who will bring into Blaze's life. She was so excited about your wedding." She said and chuckled.

I felt a weird pain in my heart.

Blaze and me. Us. Married.

Maybe there was a possibility of that until...

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