Chapter 2

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After the match, Anna and her friends went to a cafe to celebrate her victory. All of them are having chocolate cake and latte as those are specialities of the cafe.
" The video of your last goal is going viral right now. I think everyone in the pack knows you defeated Aston in his game," Noah tries not to laugh much due to the injuries on his face. As he was beaten up by the high ranked werewolves so his healing is slower than usual.
" He deserved it and what does he think of himself? Just because he will be the Alpha doesn't mean he can beat you two and take the picture of it," Anna muttered looking satisfied by remembering Aston's face.
" Well, that couldn't happen if these two idiots haven't fought the high ranked mutts," Chloe spoke while deliberately pinching Noah's face causing him to whine as everyone laughed.
" It was in the moment of heat...Okay. Otherwise, I could have handled it better and made Oliver pay for hurting you," Noah spoke while looking at Chloe intensely making her bush.
" I think my nose will forever be crooked," Kai spoke while looking at his phone camera.
" I will help you with that," Alice quickly punch his face before Kai could stop her.
" What the hell is wrong with you?" Kai holds his nose in pain as everyone including the people near him started to laugh except for Alice who looks innocent.
" I am helping you," Alice reasons with a straight face that almost made everyone believe she was actually trying to fix Kai's crooked nose. But knowing Alice since childhood, they knew Alice can keep a straight face while cranking a joke.
" Screw you, Alice," Kai muttered while Alice dramatically gasped looking offended.
Then Anna's phone rings. It was her Dad, making Anna hesitant to pick up the call. " Get ready to be grounded," Everyone chanted simultaneously.
Anna flip the bird at her friends before she answered the call.
" Hey, Dad," Anna tried to sound cheerful while inside she will getting herself prepared to hear lectures from Ben.
" I got to know, you won the match against Aston. I am never been proud of you as I am now," Ben sounded genuinely happy, making Anna relax.
" Dad, I thought you will scold me as I humiliated Aston in front of the whole school," Anna muttered while her friends looked shocked.
Ben laugh and said, " I used to win against Chris all the time. It's just a game, Anna...No need to take it that seriously,"
" Okay, right now I am in the cafe with my friends to celebrate my victory... Is there something else you want to say, old man?" Anna holds her laugh as she knew her Dad hates to be called an old man.
" Well, this old man wanted to take you for the dinner at the human restaurant you insist on me taking you there...," Ben couldn't finish his talk as Anna interrupted him saying, " Sorry Dad, I take it back,"
Ben pretends to make a sound that looks like he is thinking but he enjoys hearing Anna's desperation for going to human territory.
" I will think about it...I have important work to do so I have to go. Bye, sweetie," Anna was shocked and regret to why she called him an old man. As Ben cut the call while laughing. He then mind-linked Katie to inform the children about the dinner plan and told them to get ready at seven. Therefore they can talk before leaving the house and inform Katie that there will be bodyguards for them as well.
After the brief conversation, Ben went to the pack's cell where a few rogues were kept. Rogues got scared as Ben enter the cell due to Ben's aura.
" I will let you go after you finish answering my question. If I felt you are lying or trying to hide information...There will be a consequence to bear," Ben smiled coldly while his eyes showed his wolf has taken control. This made the rogues whimper.
" WHICH ONE OF YOU LEFT THE MESSAGE THAT THREATENS MY DAUGHTERS," Ben roars that could be heard from miles away.
While Anna was regretting her action, she received a message from her mother. Saying to get home early as they will have dinner at the human restaurant tonight. This made Anna breathe in relief and share with her friends.
Alice looked concerned and asked," Why could Uncle Ben take you all out when you guys are in danger,"
To which Anna smiled and responded, " Dad is a Beta who already has planned everything. When Mom was in danger, he didn't do any precautions like assigning bodyguards or making Mom be home arrested instead Mom went wherever she wanted to go without being accompanied. No one knows except for Alpha and the Gamma, how Dad was able to capture the culprit. He never revealed it as well,"
" Well, we have crazy Alpha, Beta and Gamma," Kai said but he receive a smack from Anna.
" Don't call my Dad crazy," Anna warns looking angry and making Kai nervous as he doesn't want to beat by Anna.
" Sorry, I didn't mean it like that," Kai apologise.
" I believe Aston, Liam and Oliver will be better than their fathers," Chloe spoke.
" Are you praising your bully?" Noah said as he frowned mirroring others' expressions.
" I hate him but that doesn't change the fact, " Chloe shrugged her shoulders.
" Come on, we will be late for the movies," Anna said before Noah who could have gone into an argument with Chloe.
As they went passing the spy who was listening to everything they talk. The spy then messages the Alpha.
Spy: Beta family going to have dinner at the human restaurant and there are rumours that Aston and Ava had a breakup.
Alpha: I want facts, not rumours.
Spy: Okay Alpha.

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