Chapter 4

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The next day, the beta children left the pack house with their friends after having breakfast with their parents.
" I would get used to us going to school together," Ava mumbled to her friends while they were on their way to school.
" I have been telling this for years, " Grace said while taking selfies.
" I used to think you were exaggerating having fun living in the pack house with others," Ava said while taking a turn and she notice a wolf running on the pavement.
" Do you have any idea who is it?" Ava asked making her friends look at the wolf.
" Maybe, it's our new training coach... I heard he is sigma and applied for training temporary until he finds a job in the human territory," Sophia said.
" He looks like a Beta Wolf to me," Ella commented as the size wolf is huge.
" You can't tell the rank of the wolf by its size," Sophia said.
" Well, this wolf has a great speed since he is almost going to leave us behind," Ava said as she is a fast driver and no one was able to overtake her.
Then Ava ignores the wolf and continues to drive to school.
" So are you and Aston back together?" Grace asked after a while.
" No," Ava answered.
" What happened that caused you two to break up?" Ella's question made Sophia and Grace attentive.
" It was over an ice cream," Ava answered making her friends have dumbfounded expressions.
" Who breaks up for an ice cream?" Grace sighed in disbelief.
" Come on, it's not like we rejected each other... Ashton and I are mates. We can fight over anything and get together like nothing ever happened," Ava said while she parks her car.
" And watch out for that Bob the janitor," Ella warns before anyone got out of the car.
" Ella, don't worry about him. Dad has taken care of him for sure," Ava rolls her eyes and got off the car.
As Ava was passing the hallway to reach her locker, everyone was glancing at her making her nervous. Ava thought of ignoring the weird looks but she remembered Ben's lesson, " Never show your nervousness and stand firm. Then behave like a Beta,"
" Why the hell are you all looking at me?" Ava yells at everyone who glanced at her. This action startles everyone in the hall and they quickly apologise.
" That doesn't answer my question?" Ava crossed her arm across her chest while her friends stared at everyone who was glancing at Ava.
" We heard about the human girls...," Ava interrupted when one of the girls was answering her.
" Everyone knew that and what's so new?"
" The girls died... I heard it's the Unknown leader himself who killed the girls," the girl continues to answer.
" I heard they kill themselves," another student said and like that everyone was sharing a different theory. Listening to the rumours, Ava started to feel sick and ran toward the girl's toilet.
Ava quickly went inside one of the toilets cubicles and threw up her breakfast. When she came out of the cubicle, Sophia gave her a water bottle to drink.
" Those are rumours," Ella said when Ava finished drinking the water.
" What if it's true the humans died," Ava whispered.
" Ask your Dad, then," Grace said to which Ava nodded.
Ava quickly call
Ava quickly called her Dad who answered in a few rings.
" Is everything okay, sweetie?" Ben asked worriedly as Ava never calls during school times.
" Dad, are those human girls dead?" Ava question Ben back instead of answering his question.
But Ben understood Ava's situation and answered her, " Those girls are alive and are under police and council's protection. Don't let the rumour affect you," Ben advised Ava as she is the most sensitive child among his children. Therefore, hearing the rumours about the human girls' death could have overwhelmed Ava with guilt.
Ava was relieved to hear it and exclaimed,
" Thank moon goddess... Okay, I wanted to ask that... I have class so bye, Dad,"
" Okay, sweetie. Take care," Ben then cut the call and went inside the pack's cell.
" I have no idea what are you talking about," the janitor spoke quickly and kept looking at Alpha Chris, Beta Ben, Gamma Aiden and the guards present in the room.
" Listen, we know you are lying... Your real name is Luke and you ran away from your pack because the Alpha found out that you were stealing money from him," Gamma Aiden share the information he found which scared Luke aka Bob the janitor.
His expression made Alpha Chris laugh and he said, " Come on, you didn't think we won't suspect you to work under a fake name... The name you chose was Bob...That's stereotypical,"
Luke knows that they had looked into the werewolf database that had his information. Luke hasn't told his Alpha, his real name so if the Alpha got to know about this then he is dead. One way or another, he is dead.
" You thought I don't have an access to the werewolf database so you can lie to me," The Alpha mind-linked Luke who got even paler due to the fear. Luke tried to think of a way in which he couldn't be killed but before he could do something.
Luke started to feel suffocated and couldn't feel his body anymore. But his hands were lifting in their will and his nails turn into claws. That he stabbed himself in the chest causing blood to come out of his mouth.
The scene shocked others who were present in the room.
" Why could he kill himself?" Gamma Aiden muttered in shock.
" He was spelt," Alpha Chris announced looking at the dead body as Alpha Chris noticed Luke's eye expression before he was killed.
" This is worst than we thought. Our enemy knows witchcraft," Beta Ben barks due to anger as they didn't get any information that will help them.
" Let's go to the office," Alpha Chris ordered his Beta and Gamma. Then he went outside of the cell followed by his Gamma and Beta.
As the three men reach the Alpha Office, they saw their mates in the room waiting for them.
" Is everything fine?" Alpha Chris asked curiously to his mate who was sitting in his chair.
" Gamma Susan was checking our pack financial documents and found numerous expenses that don't exist," Luna Carol handed out the file to her mate who started to read the document.
" SOMEONE IS STEALING FROM US," Alpha Chris roars in anger. Luna Carol quickly calms her mate down and said, " We have to find the culprit as it could be linked to the Unknown. As this is one of the patterns where Unknown steals from the pack before attacking them,"
" I am starting to think it is one of our enemies and not the Unknown," Alpha stated.
" Why do you think that, Alpha?" Female Gamma Susan inquired.
" Last night's incident causes me to doubt but now that our enemies know witchcraft proves that it's not the work of Unknown," Alpha shared his opinions.
" What if the Unknown does know witchcraft and the council never found a clue to indicate that Unknown use witchcraft," Luna Carol points out.
" This is giving me a headache," Alpha Chris growled while pressing his fingers on his forehead.
" Well, that's because you are getting old to handle these matters," Luna Carol jokes making everyone expect Chris to chuckle.
" Honey, I am just thirty-seven years old," Alpha Chris spoke with a grumpy sound. Making everyone laugh more than before.
"Okay, enough with laughing," Alpha Chris snarled making everyone stop laughing. Then they all discuss the matter for hours.
In the meantime, Anna was walking in the hallway when someone calls her out,
" Anna," It was Victoria, the girl's football leader.
" What's up, Vic?" Anna asked once Victoria come in front of her.
" I am confused, why didn't you apply for the football team when you are a great player?" Victoria didn't beat around the bushes.
" My Dad wanted me to have minimal contact with Aston," Anna answered while she shrugs her shoulders in helplessness.
" Oh... I wanted to ask if you can take place of Sally in the football team. As her parents got scared due to the situation happening in the pack and they didn't want to lose their only child. So they temporarily moved into her mother's old pack," Victoria spoke and was about to go but Anna's scream stopped her.
" What happened?" Victoria asked in an altered tone looking around their surroundings.
" I love to take place of Sally in the football team," Anna said.
" But your Dad..." Anna interrupted Victoria saying, " Dad is too busy nowadays so it won't be a problem,"
" Cool, then I will officially introduce you to the team after school during our practices for the final match," Victoria spoke and then went away.
Anna was on the seven heavens when she heard she will be on the football team and could get a chance to play in the final match.
The final match is the match between girls and boys that happens after the graduation ceremony which follows by a farewell party. Anna always wanted to play in the final match and now she can so she was cheerful that she started to jump for a while. Then she messages on the group chat that has her friends.
Anna: I will be in the football team!!! :D.
Alice: OMG OMG!!!!
Alice: You can play in the final match like you always dreamed of!!!!
Chloe: I am putting my money on the girl's team.
Noah: Congrats Anna, I want a treat.
Kai: Congrats Anna. :)
Kai: Get ready to lose your money girls. Because boys will win the final match this year.
Anna: You will be the one losing the bet.
Chloe: I am putting $60.

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