Chapter 49

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Alpha Noah came to the pack-house after discussing with Warrior Office CEO on a mission to find the red-code team either living or dead.

Alpha Noah's headache kept increasing worrying about the missing team members. He didn't notice angry Beta Liam walking up to him until he yelled,

" What kind of Alpha are you?"

" How dare you disrespect me, Beta?" Alpha Noah roared.

" Ava told me everything. You put code red on Sebastian. What kind of sick revenge is yours?" Beta Liam barked even though he shivered in fear.

" I not taking any kind of revenge on her. She is stupid to think that. And you are dumber than her," Alpha Noah growled and looked at the surroundings to see many spectators.

" Follow me," Alpha Noah demanded and walked away while Beta Liam follow him in rage.

After entering the Alpha Office, Alpha Noah opens his computer to show the email and PDF to Beta Liam.

" Read it," Alpha Noah barked.

As Beta Liam's eyes widen reading and checking the pictures.

" Sebastian is the son of the missing Beta," Beta Liam exclaimed in astonishment.

"These are the AI-generated photos of Sebastian and Alexander also known as Ace. Today, those red-code teams went to rescue Ava and capture those two. But they got caught," Alpha Noah explained to Beta Liam.

" Do you know those two took ten minutes to capture our ten members of code-red," Beta Liam shouted after hearing Alpha Noah.

" What? Red-code teams are experts trained by the council and royal pack,"

" Look at these videos from the code-red team's body camera," Alpha Noah handed the tablet after pressing the play button.

According to the video, the code-red team was surrounded by masked members of Unknown. Yet, none of them came in front and watches the code-red team members being brutally beaten by Ace and Sebastian. In the end, Ace took out one of the body cameras and smiled before smacking it to the ground.

" We have to go and save Ava from them...," Alpha Noah interrupted the panicking Beta Liam saying,

" We can't attack them instead we have to trick them,"

" Why?"

" This video showed we underestimate them. So we can't repeat our mistake again," Beta Liam nodded.

" Do you have any idea what are we going to do?" Beta Liam asked.

" First, I will publically apologize to Sebastian and Ace and blame our spies for misinformation. Then we have to separate Ava from Sebastian in a matter that looks like she left him by her choice," Alpha Noah shared his plan.

" Leave the second part on me. I will be able to do that with the help of Aston,"

" How did you get those late high-ranked members' photos?" Beta Liam question.

" I asked from the Royal Gamma Charles," Alpha Noah answered with an obvious tone.

" Contacting him can lead to reopening the case and ruin our pack's reputation, "

" No, it will ruin your parent's reputation after all it will be revealed Chris and Ben were helping Aiden in murdering the pack," Alpha Noah made clear to Beta Liam.

" They were the high-titled members. If their reputation is ruined then the pack's image is ruined as well, " Beta Liam objected.

" Technically, they titled themselves and created fear in everyone that nobody objected to them. They were always been wrong so that won't tarnish the pack's name," Alpha Noah said.

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